May One catch Me a Titan! - Restocking the Supply Base (7)

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~Your PoV ~

Your gaze turns to your comrade, who just killed a titan that had blocked your way back.

Fortunately, the wall was already in sight and the way back wasn't too bad. Not many Titans were ambushing you, and the ones that did were quickly killed before they could cause you any problems.

You avert your gaze from Eld, who had joined Petra and Gunther in defeating the Titan, as it gasps and coughs beside you. Immediately you take a bottle in your hand and open it so he could have a drink.

He couldn't get a thank you out of his mouth, but instead, he nodded briefly with his face contorted in pain before accepting the bottle.

After you saw Thomas surrounded by Titans on the battlefield, but couldn't help him because you had to run away from one yourself, he was thrown against a stone of the tower by a Titan with its hand. Before he could be eaten, the Survey Corps arrived and were able to save him from his imminent death. Just as it was the case with you. Only you didn't suffer any major injuries.

Fortunately for you, your general condition was also improving. You didn't feel so broken and weak anymore, but you were still glad that everything was over right away and that you arrived back at the protection of the Wall.

However, even now it was not over and you had to use the elevators on the Wall to transport not only the soldiers but also horses over. Because your comrades had just left a few hours ago, the elevators were still installed, so you were able to save time and energy.

Petra reaches out a hand to help you onto the wall before going on to help the next soldier who arrived.

Again, you could see how many casualties your mission had taken. It was not a pretty sight.

As Gelgar was pulled up, you help place his stretcher on the wall.

"Well, regretting joining the Survey Corps yet, (Y/n)?" Gelgar asks with a slight snort of laughter.

His head was bandaged and you could see blood seeping through in some places. He had been hit hard when the tower collapsed. He looked anything but okay, but the fact that he was still up for jokes calmed things down a bit.

You kneel down to his height. "Not yet."

"Ha, then I guess you've passed your acid test. If you didn't mind that fight, then I'm sure the next few missions will be a snap for you."

You nod before stepping away from him as someone came to change his bandages.

You let your eyes wander over the edge of the Wall to see if anyone needed help climbing up, that's when you heard someone call your name loudly. "(Y/n)!!!"

Turning around, you could see Eren running towards you before coming to a stop in front of you, panting slightly. He must have run quite a distance to get here. "Eren, what are you doing here?"

He didn't answer your question. "Are you all right? Are you unharmed?" he suddenly showered you with concern. As he took another step toward you, you stepped aside a bit, fearing he would hug you.

"I'm fine," you reply curtly, "Mikasa's back there somewhere, by the way." You point your finger in the direction you last saw her. You thought that was what he was getting at, one way or another since you also always check on the well-being of your comrades first before approaching them with a request.

"Well, thank you, but what happened to your mission? Were you caught off guard by Titans? Are you certain that nothing happened to you? Do you want me to accompany you to the hospital?" he responds again. Your assumption was wrong, he didn't seem to be interested in Mikasa's whereabouts. No, that was the wrong way to put it. Of course, he was relieved to hear that Mikasa had also made it back unharmed, but your conversation seemed more important to him right now than looking for Mikasa. After all, he had been looking for you. 

"As I said, I am unharmed. We were attacked by some strong Titans and because someone from the team lost the watch, we left too late and it was already getting day," you explain. You don't mention the Armored Titan because you had been ordered to keep this detail a secret.

"Someone lost the watch? How could that happen?" he asked confused since the watch was one of the most important objects to ensure your survival. How could the one who was charged with it, just lose it?

You sighed. "Don't ask me how." You wonder how an experienced soldier like Thomas could simply lose the watch. Surely he's as aware of how unimaginably important it was just as any of you are. If you had been put in charge of the watch, you would surely have checked regularly to see if you still had it with you.

As Eren was about to say something again, he was interrupted when Mikasa, who could recognize him from a distance, came up to you. You took that as a sign that you'd better get out of here now, which you did. "I'll be going then," you say curtly, while Mikasa just nodded, Eren looked at you a bit disappointed, as if he didn't want you to leave.

You help a few more of your comrades. It didn't take long before you all arrived at the wall. 

When the situation had calmed down a bit and there wasn't too much left to do, Petra came to you.

"Eren moved heaven and hell to be allowed to come along. But of course, that was not possible," she says since she had overheard your conversation with Eren.

"Yes, Mikasa was with us, too, after all," you counter.

Petra giggled. "Don't you always scold Eren for being slow on the uptake?"

You look at her in wonder. "What does that have to do with anything now?"

"I wonder," Petra replies with a meaningful look, whereupon you turn away with an embarrassed expression because you had the feeling that you hadn't really noticed something. Your gaze falls over the edge of the Wall. There was a commotion going on down there. And you could hear Hanji's shouts even up to the Wall.

As she had told you a few days ago, today was her eagerly awaited Titan capture mission. Together with her unit and a few other scouts, they are trying to make Hanji's dream of her own Titans for experimentation a reality. 

Petra said goodbye to you again when she was asked for help by another soldier, you on the other hand could not take your eyes off the capture attempt. Something told you to keep watching them because something might happen.

Just as this thought enters your mind, the titan they cornered breaks free. It hits the scouts with its arm, breaking their formation. In the chaos, it manages to grab a soldier and threatens to swallow him up.

Without another thought, you jump off the Wall and kill the runaway Titan before it could harm anyone. With your work done, you land on the ground.

"Ah, (Y/n), what a show! My jaw just dropped. I can't wait to see what else you accomplish in the future," Hanji calls out to you.

You straighten up. Luckily, you had filled up on gas and blades before you left the supply base. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to perform this intervention. 

You hear the whinny of a horse as Hanji rides up to you and comes to a stop beside you. "If you have any energy reserves left after your mission, I'd love to have you join me on this capture mission!"

"You might want to give (L/n) some time off, Section Leader!" Moblit objects, but of course his objection falls on deaf ears.

"Oh, fiddle-dee-dee, anyone who's capable of doing that doesn't need time off yet. Right, (Y/n)?"

You sigh, but then finally smile slightly. "Then let's finally capture this Titan."

"Yay!!!" Hanji shouted before giving the instructions for the next capture attempt.

You may have just returned from an exhausting and difficult mission, but by riding on a cart and not having to ride yourself, you were able to recover well on the way back.

Besides, after the last capture mission went so wrong, this was your chance to set everything straight after all.

And in the end, partly due to your help, you managed to catch a 7-meter class and a 4-meter class Titan. It seems that after this miserable start to the day, you were successful after all.

December, 9th 2022

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