Major Decision: The Survey Corps (11)

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~Felix Altenberg PoV~

The night of the division was drawing nearer and nearer. Between the recruits, there was only one topic: which regiment they should best choose.

Motivated by Eren's speech after the graduation ceremony, many wanted to sign up for the Survey Corps. However, many recruits' minds changed after witnessing for themselves the horror of the Titans in Trost.

Many were still struggling to come to terms with what they had experienced and the losses. Some of the recruits gave it up altogether and left the military after the battle in Trost. For a brief moment, Felix also thought about this decision.

Through the battle in Trost, he realized that he was neither brave and strong-willed like Eren, smart like Armin, nor strong like you and Mikasa. He was simply a weak soldier, who struggled to stay alive.

Even during training, he kept thinking that it would be better, if he just gave up. They certainly have a better job for Felix on the field or in some pub, but despite being aware of that, he wanted to give it a try.

Remembering back to Jean's words during the cleanup, when the bodies were being burned, Felix also wanted to join the Survey Corps. Even if it sounded silly. Felix wanted to finally face his inner demons and make sure he could look at himself in the mirror without feeling regret.

However, he kept wavering with his decision whenever he talked to his classmates about the impending decision. None of those who wanted to join the Survey Corps in the beginning still wanted to or were as conflicted themselves as Felix was.

When the day came, Felix, along with the other cadets of the 104th Training Unit, stood in front of the closed gate of the square. As soon as this gate will open, it will be time for their decision.

No one said a word. Everyone was lost in thought. After all, the choice of the regiment was a big and important decision.

Suddenly, Jean walked over to them.

"Jean! Are you actually going to join the Survey Corps?", Armin asks him immediately.

"Yes.", he answers as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Felix wishes he could announce such a decision so casually, too.

"But why all of a sudden? I mean... Aren't you afraid?", Sasha asks.

"Huh? Of course, I'm afraid. I'm certainly not suicidal," Jean replied.

Connie looked at Jean in wonder. "But then why did you..."

"I'm terrified of the Titans. That's why I want to do something," he explained, "Listen. I'm not going to motivate you guys to join as well. Unlike this idiot, who's desperate to get killed."

"You mean Eren. He joined the Survey Corps some time ago," Connie says as he lets his gaze wander to the ground.

"So did (Y/n).", Armin adds.

"Recruits, fall in! Line up in front of the podium. It's starting!" one of the officers shouts. So with that, it was now on. The big decision was about to be made...

By now, night has fallen, and the sun completely disappeared from the firmament, while the moon took its place. The square was lit up by fire bowls.

As all the cadets gathered in front of the podium, the commander of the Survey Corps entered to give his introduction about his regiment to hopefully get more cadets to join. After all, the Survey Corps was the regiment that received the fewest additions each year. Very few wanted to live a short life that ended with being ripped to shreds by a titan.

"Good evening. I am Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Corps. Today you will decide which division you want to join. I'll be blunt, the Survey Corps needs every soldier they can get. With the Titan attack the other day, you've all already learned how fearsome the Titans are and how limited your own forces are. Nevertheless. After this tough battle, humanity is a big step closer to victory! And it is because of Eren Jäger. Through his performance, in which he put his life on the line, he proved beyond any doubt that he is on our side. He saved us, and he not only stopped another Titan invasion, but through him, we are able to solve the mystery of our enemy!"

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