Page 78: Finding a Way Off the Island:

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The next day, the group mapped out a plan from what Tinker Bell and Hook told them. Emma was taking the lead by instructing everyone on the plan. "...This is where they're keeping Henry. Pan's compound. According to--" Emma paused from her instructions while she sat with her mother. She motioned the stick she was using toward Tinker Bell, who was packing up a pack. "Tinker Bell." Tinker Bell spoke up, looking over to the group while she was still packing up. "Yeah... I know. Still weird to say." Emma sighed, still having a hard time adjusting to new storybook characters.

"Tink is fine." The fairy added, not seeing Emma's awkwardness.

"Not sure that's any better... Anyway, she says there are sentries positioned across the front, which is why we're gonna come in through the back entrance here. She's gonna talk her way in... once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we're going to sneak on in." Emma continued to explain to the group, showing them with the little compound they made up with rocks. "You'll still have to deal with any Lost Boys once you're inside." Tinker Bell added when she walked back over to the group.

"I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks," Regina said sarcastically while she continued to play with Dream's hair, standing behind her.

"It's not the sticks you need to worry about." Tinker Bell corrected Regina, looking at the whole group. "It's the poison they're dipped in." She added when the group nodded.

"Dreamshade... Hook warned us." Dream spoke up.

"Good. Because one nick, and you'll spend the last of your days--" 

"Poison sticks equal death." David interrupted Tinker Bell, sounding a little on edge. "We got it... Now, when can we put this rescue mission into action?" He continued, looking at the others when Dream tilted her head, seeing how uneasy and on edge he was.

"I'm ready to go. Just as soon as you tell me the exit plan." Tinker Bell shrugged at them, already having her pack packed and ready.

Everyone went quiet.

"You do have an escape plan, don't you?" She asked them, sounding frustrated at them. "It was more of a last-minute trip." Mary Margaret shrugged but still looked hopeful. "If you don't have a way off this island, then none of this matters." Tinker Bell scoffed at the group, feeling like she was wasting her time.

"We'll figure it out." Regina and Dream said in unison.

"You'll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time." Tinker Bell scoffed at them again.

"When it comes to family, we always find a way." David defended, making Tinker Bell look at him like he was stupid. "You don't get it. Here, let me show you something." She said, reaching into her satchel and pulling out a watch. "You know what this is?" She asked the group, who were confused.

"Yeah, a watch." Emma shrugged, not seeing what her point was.

"I got it from the people who brought your son here for Pan." The fairy corrected when everyone's eyes widened when they stood up from where they were all sitting. 

"Greg and Tamara?" Dream asked when she looked at Tinker Bell in disbelief. "Where are they? Why did they give you that?" Emma asked her, sounding harsh in her tone.

"I got it off the girl's body..." She sighed, sounding morbid. "This is what Pan does to people he employs. What do you think he's gonna do to you?" She continued to ask the group when they all sighed. "I'm not sticking my neck on Pan's chopping block without a way off this island. You figure that out; you know where I live." She said, starting to walk back to her hut.

"Where is she going?" Mary Margaret asked, scoffing a bit to herself.

"I'll get her... bring her back," David said, about to follow her, but Dream stopped him.

"Don't... She's right." Dream sighed when the group looked at her. 

"Dream's right... If there's one thing I've learned, you never break in somewhere unless you know the way out." Emma said when Dream nodded, agreeing with her. "And where did you learn that, in bail bondsperson school?" Regina sarcastically asked, scoffing to herself. "Neal taught me that." Emma retorted, making Dream look back at her.

"Neal taught you?" Dream asked when Emma nodded, remembering how she first met Neal when she stole his stolen car. "Well... What about you, Hook? You got off this island before." Dream asked, turning to look at the one-handed pirate.

"Yes, aboard my ship. Which would require some form of magic to create a portal. Which I got from Pan in a deal I don't think he's ready to repeat." Hook sighed, walking over next to Dream. 

"So no one's ever left the island without Pan's permission." Regina scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"One man..." Hook spoke up, turning to look at Emma. "Her partner in crime. Neal." He continued, making Dream and Emma furrow their brows.

"How?" Dream and Emma asked in unison. 

"Maybe we can find out." Hook said, walking in the opposite direction that Tinker Bell went while the group followed him.

He led the group to a cave that was sealed with a wooden door. Vines were covering it, making it look abandoned for many years. "What is this supposed to be?" Regina asked as the group looked at the cave. "So, what, Neal swung out of Neverland on a vine?" Emma asked, making Dream look at Hook.

"If someone would be kind enough to lend me a hand... What do you say, Dream?" Hook asked as Dream went to step forward, but David stopped her. 

"I'll do it, Dream." He said as she stepped back, nodding. "You don't look so hot, mate." Hook whispered to David. "It's a hundred degrees in this jungle. And I'm plenty hot." David fought, taking out the rope and pushing Hook back. 

"Ladies first." Hook said as David held the wooden door open before tying the rope to a tree. All of the girls walked into the cave when Hook stopped David from walking in. "How much longer do you think you can keep up this charade? Don't you think your family deserves to know you're going to die?" Hook asked him, seeming genuinely worried about David. "Why do you care?" David asked him, making Hook scoff.

"Why don't you?" Hook asked him.

"What is the good in telling them when there's nothing I can do to stop the poison when there's no hope?" David continued to ask him, knowing the stories he had heard about the deadly poison. "If there's one thing I've gleaned from you hero types, it's that there's always hope." Hook said, making David raise a brow. 

"Is there something you're not telling me, mate?" 

"Alas, hope and reality are most often worlds apart. I told you the truth. You're never making it off this island alive." Hook continued, not knowing if he should really tell David what he was thinking. "Well, then, this is between us. The only thing they need to worry about saving is Henry." David continued before walking into the cave. Hook sighed, clenching his jaw, before looking back at the cave.

~season 3, episode 4: "Nasty Habits"~

~1206 words~

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