Page 35: "But I Already Risked Saving You Once. I Won't Do It Again":

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*Back on the Jolly Roger*

"Hook?" Dream asked as she finally had the strength to get up, looking for the pirate. She stopped at the door, looking back to the bed. 

She saw a faded image of herself walking into the room with a bowl and a couple of clothes. Hook's faded image was sitting on the bed, wiping his bloody nose with a cloth. "Here... Let me." Dream's faded image said when she sat on the side of the bed, setting the water bowl down, before wiping off the blood on Hook's face. 

Dream watched as the faded images looked at each other. Hook was looking into Dream's eyes while Dream remembered trying to keep her focus on wiping off the blood under his nose. She moved to wet the cloth again when he took the cloth from her, using the clean side to wipe the little bit under her own nose.

"I thought I was cleaning you up?" Dream smirked when she looked up into Hook's blue eyes when he lowered the cloth.

"Oh, I won't fight you on that, love..." He smirked when he handed her back the cloth when she wiped it over his split lip. "So... You loved Milah?" Dream asked him, changing the subject since her chest still felt weird after everything that happened above deck.

"I did..." Hook said softly, looking at her.

"Is she the only woman you loved?" Dream asked, causing him to let out a chuckle. "I suppose." He shrugged when she nodded, returning to wiping the blood off his face.

When Dream finished cleaning off his face, she put the bowl and cloths on a table in the room. She stood around the table, seeing maps and coordinates, when Hook got off the bed, standing up behind her. He turned her around, smirking at her. "We never got to finish our little chat earlier..." He smirked when she scoffed out a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Really? I don't believe we were talking too much." Dream smirked, biting her bottom lip.

Hook smirked when he leaned in to kiss her again. The small kiss turned into a makeout session when Hook picked Dream up, sitting her on top of the table. They continued to kiss until Dream's phone started to ring. Dream pulled away, reaching into her pocket. "It's my mom... I have to get back." Dream sighed, looking at her text message.

"Do you have to?" He asked, raising a brow at her.

"I'm sorry..." She said, pecking his lips, before getting off the table and heading up the stairs when Hook smirked to himself.

"You okay, love?"

Dream turned when the faded images disappeared, revealing the real Hook. "Yeah... Yeah." Dream said when she avoided looking at him. "I need to go find my mom," Dream said when she went past Hook, he stopped her. 

"If you go to take on Greg and Tamara alone, you'll end up just how you were before I brought you here." Hook said when Dream scoffed at his comment, looking up into his blue eyes.

"I thought you didn't care about me, only your revenge." Dream spat when Hook sighed to himself.

"I don't... But I already risked saving you once. I won't do it again." Hook said, sounding harsh in his tone, making Dream nod. 

"Well, then... I guess you have to find another way to get your revenge." Dream scoffed when she turned to leave but stopped when she looked down at her wrist. She took off the bracelet that Hook gave her in the treasure room before turning to put it in Hook's hand. She did not say anything when she watched him look down at it, closing his hand around the bracelet before he looked up to see that Dream had already walked up to the deck.

"I'm not letting you get yourself killed, love." Hook sighed to himself before following after her.

~Dreams Come True: page 50: "Gold Versus Hook"~

~649 words~

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