Page 4: Dream?

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*Present Day (2013)*

Dream was walking down the sidewalk when she took the charm out of her bag, wanting to look at it. Maybe it was some cruel trick. She looked at the green and red colors on the key chain before she felt lightheaded, and everything went black.

*30 Years Ago*

After finding out that her curse worked, Regina happily went to have breakfast at Granny's diner. Granny made her some apple pancakes, where she sat at the counter. She felt on top of the world at this moment.

"Good morning, Mayor." 

Regina turned when she saw Graham, the huntsman. She smirked, watching him lean on the counter. "That uniform suits you nicely, Sheriff... So, well-fitted." Regina smirked, making Graham lean in closer. "You want me to come over later?" Graham asked, making Regina smirk at him. She went to answer him, but she was interrupted by a small voice.

"Hey! You like apple pancakes, too?"

Regina turned to see a young boy with a beanie standing next to her stool. Graham walked behind Regina, looking at the child, too. "Who are you?" Regina asked, but the kid did not answer. "Whose child is this?" She asked, turning to the others in the diner. "Is he yours?" She asked, turning to Geppetto, remembering that he had a wooden child in the Enchanted Forest.

"Mine? No... I was never so lucky." Geppetto sighed when a man wearing a similar vest to the kid's jacket walked over.

"He's mine." The man, Kurt, smiled, making Regina look at him. "You'll have to excuse him, his manners are a little rough around the edges. I'm Kurt Flynn." He said, extending his hand to Regina. Regina shook it but did not say anything. She was trying to think who he could be. "Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but we're looking to rent a hotel room for the night." He continued, moving his hand to his son's, Owen's shoulder.

"Why would you need a hotel room?" Regina asked him, letting out a chuckle.

"The same reason that most people need one. We need a place to sleep." Kurt smiled, chuckling a bit, thinking that Regina was joking. "Would you excuse me for a moment?" Regina asked both of them when she started getting off her stool. "Graham?" She said, making Graham follow her to the back room.

"I got a room for you." Granny smiled when Owen moved to sit on the stool next to where Regina was sitting.

"Who are those people?" Regina asked Graham while they both looked over at Owen and Kurt. "Uh, I don't know. They just showed up. They were camping in the woods near the toll bridge. I was just as surprised to see them as you are." Graham tried to explain, making Regina look weary and angry at the same time. "I don't like surprises, Sheriff. I find them threatening. And do you know what happens when I feel threatened? Bad things..." Regina scoffed, looking at Graham.

*Present Day*


Marco and Archie rushed over when they saw Dream lying on the sidewalk, unconscious. "Dream?" Archie asked when Dream started to walk up a bit. "Are you okay, Miss Dream?" Marco asked when they both helped her up to sit her on the nearest bench.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Dream said, feeling a sharp pain in her head. She moved her hand up, seeing blood. "That's not fine..." She sighed when they noticed.

"Come... We'll get you to Dr. Whales." Marco said when they both helped her stand.

"All done." Whales said when he finished stitching up the cut on Dream's head. "So, you say that you were just walking and collapsed?" Whales asked her when Dream looked over to Archie and Marco, that were waiting outside.

"You know I have seen you since I was three over my episodes and nosebleeds. I was walking to Granny's, and I don't remember what happened until Archie and Marco helped me up. It's probably just another episode." Dream explained, making Whales sigh to himself.

"Dream... You have been having these symptoms since your mother rushed you in here for some testing after you were constantly crying at two weeks old. These episodes are just your mother's excuse not to have your brain tested for epilepsy or anything life-threatening." Whales sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "But considering you don't have seizures, you just pass out; there isn't much we could figure out." He continued when Dream nodded slowly due to the pain in her head.

"I said I was fine... Now, can I go? You stitched me up, and I really just want to go home." Dream sighed when Whales nodded.

"I'll have a nurse bring in your discharge forms." He said before walking out when Archie and Marco started to talk to him, wondering if Dream was gonna be okay.

Dream just looked down at the keychain that she put in her pocket, remembering the flashes of memories that she saw from some kid named Owen. She did not know anyone named Owen. He was gone ten years before Dream was very born. It was not epilepsy that she was dealing with. No one understood her powers yet, especially her. They had to be connected. She just had to figure them out first.

*30 Years Ago*

Later that day, Regina walked back into the diner for dinner when she saw Kurt and Owen at the counter. She did not want outsiders in her town. She feared that anyone could ruin the happiness that she made for herself. "Thank you; it was really good." Kurt smiled at Granny, who took his plate while he finished off his beer.

Owen and Kurt turned around when Regina cleared her throat, looking at Owen. "You're in my seat," Regina said, looking at Owen. "Sorry, Miss..." Kurt went to say, not really knowing who Regina was.


"Mills," Kurt said after she corrected him. 

"Mayor Mills. I always sit in that seat." Regina said, explaining herself to Kurt. "But I'm already sitting here," Owen said, making Kurt turn as he chuckled under his breath. 

Regina moved to sit on the other side of Owen when they all faced forward. "I, uh... I just spoke with our mechanic. He assured me that your car will be repaired by the end of the week." Regina said, making Kurt look at her, confused but thankful. "Really? He told me it would take at least two weeks just to get the parts." Kurt said while getting out the money for the dinner and Granny's tip from his wallet.

"Well, things tend to get done quickly when the Mayor asks for them. And I'd hate to keep you from getting home to..."

"New Jersey. Home of the Boss." Kurt smiled, confusing Regina a bit. Who was the "Boss?" "Anyway. Thank you, your Mayor-ness... Mayor. Whatever. We really appreciate it." Kurt said to Regina when she smiled. "Let's go," Kurt said to Owen when they got up to head to their hotel room.

Owen stopped before he got to the door when Regina moved to her stool where he sat. Kurt turned to see Owen standing there when he grabbed his coat from the coat rack. He watched Owen pull out the green and red keychain. Owen smiled to himself before walking over and handing Regina the keychain.

"What's this?" Regina asked him.

"It's a gift for letting me sit in your seat," Owen told her, shocking Regina. She had not seen any kindness in years. "For me?" She asked him, trying not to show her disbelief. She smiled at him when he chuckled a bit, leaving with his dad, while Regina stared at the keychain. It was sweet.

~season 2, episode 17: "Welcome to Storybrooke"~

~1264 words~

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