Page 28: Operation Praying Mantis:

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Regina led Hook to the library under the clock tower. "This why it's a two-man job? You need me to lower you?" Hook asked, looking to the elevator in the library. "No... Used to be. Before magic." Regina said as she waved her hand to make the elevator turn on and open the door. The two of them stepped inside when Regina waved her hand again, lowering the elevator.

The elevator opened when they walked down to the cave where Emma defeated Maleficent's dragon form. "You ever wonder if this constant pursuits for revenge is the reason we have no one who cares for us?" Hook asked, walking down the tunnel with Regina. "I mean when all of this is over, and I know the Crocodile is dead, for good and all... I'll have nothing to look forward to. My life will be empty. Revenge may sate your being. But don't misunderstand me, my dear; it's an end, not a beginning." Hook said, making Regina look at him.

"For you, maybe. Not me. I have my children..." Regina said, stopping to turn to look at him. "And destroying Storybrooke? Well, that seems like a small price to pay to allow us to live in peace." Regina smirked when Hook nodded before holding his hand out to let Regina go first. Regina paused, seeing the cuff on Hook's wrist. "Where did you get that? It belonged to my mother." Regina said, making Hook look at the cuff.

"Yes... Well, she enchanted it so I could climb the beanstalk in our world. She--"

"I don't care why she gave it to you. It's hers, and I want it back." Regina said, making Hook chuckle at her. "You plan to blow this town off the map, and you're worried about a scrap of cowhide?" Hook asked, raising his brows at Regina, who scoffed at him. "She was my mother." Regina protested, scoffing at him, while Hook continued to smirk.

"Well, she was my friend... And she had one made for Dream... Why don't you get that one?" Hook asked, raising his brow.

"Hardly... You were hardly her friend. And I will not take something like that from my daughter." Regina said when Hook sighed, holding his hand out to Regina, who grabbed the cuff from his wrist. Regina smiled, putting the cuff on her wrist before looking back at Hook. "Now... follow me closely," Regina said when she started to walk into a cave part.

"Precarious. You couldn't have just hid the trigger in the back of your wardrobe?" Hook asked, making Regina chuckle at his question. "It had to be both well-hidden and well-guarded. I put it somewhere no one would ever think I'd go." Regina said, walking to the edge of the cliff they were on, while Hook looked around, skeptical. "Yeah, when you say well-guarded, who's guarding it?" Hook asked when Regina watched him walk closer to the edge.

"A friend." 

"Well, considering your choice you made to share a daughter with... Forgive me for being skeptical." Hook said, looking down to the ground from the cliff. It was dark and cold and had steam coming from the ground. "She's been through a lot. There's a powerful spell here that sustains her in whatever form she's in... In fact, Hook, she's the reason why this is a two-man job." Regina smirked, making Hook turn back to look at her.

"And what exactly am I here to do?" He asked her, looking back at the ground, which was hard to see.

"I'll get the trigger, and you... Well... you're the distraction." Regina smirked, stepping closer to Hook. 


Regina wasted no time, pushing Hook so that he fell over the cliff's edge. Hook groaned when he hit the ground. He groaned, holding his side, but started to hear the wind howling behind him. He turned to the sound, seeing the dust from the ground turning into a creature. He hurried to his feet, holding his side as he saw the creature get tall and brought to life. It started to screech, coming his way when Hook kept trying to stay back.

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