Page 46: Henry!

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"Relax, kid. We're not gonna hurt you." Tamara said while Greg dragged Henry with them while they walked on the docks.

"Just everyone I love? You tried to blow up Storybrooke." Henry said while he fought, trying to get out of Greg's grasp. "True. But that was never the point." Tamara said, making Henry look at her confused. "It wasn't?" Henry asked her.

"See, we came here to destroy magic, Henry. But then we found something more important. Something that changed everything." Greg said while Henry continued to struggle until he stopped to let Henry look at him. "You," Greg said, confusing Henry before they continued to drag him again.

"Dream, you don't even know where you're going!" Emma yelled at Dream, who kept running forward when she followed the faded images of Greg, Tamara, and Henry since her powers seemed to be magnified now.

"Doesn't matter. I have to find him. I'll track them down in hell if I have to." Dream said when they turned the corner, seeing Greg and Tamara standing by the edge of the dock with Henry before Greg threw the bean into the water. "The last bean... They've opened a portal." Regina sighed, standing beside her daughter before they took off running.

"Henry!" The group yelled, making Greg, Tamara, and Henry look at them. But before they could get to them, Greg and Tamara dragged Henry into the portal. 

"No, no! No!" David grabbed Dream, stopping her from jumping after them while the portal closed. Emma, Mary Margaret, and Regina froze, not sure what to do. "We have to follow them. There has to be a way! I'm not losing him! I can't lose Henry, too!" Dream started crying while David held her as she fought, trying to get out of his grip.

"Not only do we not know where they went, Dreamy... but Hook stole the last bean," Regina said, looking at her daughter, who was crying and still struggling to get out of David's grasp.

"I don't care, Mom!" 

"Without it, there's no way to follow." Regina sighed, looking at the water where the portal was. "There has to be." Dream fought, looking at her mother while tears streamed down her face.

"We can't let them just take Henry!" Emma said, looking at her parents.

"They've taken Henry?" 

The group turned to look at Gold and Belle, who took a memory potion to bring her back to her old self. "Yeah..." David said when Dream stopped fighting him. "Dad... You're the Dark One. Do something." Dream said, walking up to her dad and moving away from David. "Help us..." She begged when Gold sighed, seeing how upset his daughter was.

"There's no way... I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal, Dream." Gold said to the group.

"So, that's it? He's gone forever?" Regina scoffed at him when she moved to hug her daughter. "I refuse to believe that." Regina sighed, rubbing her daughter's back.

"What is that?" Belle asked, moving between David and Mary Margaret when she looked into the distance. The entire group looked, seeing a ship return to the docks. "Hook..." Emma and Dream said when they looked at each other.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked when they rushed over, seeing Hook get off his ship when he came back.

"I'm helping." Hook said, getting onto the docks.

"Well, you're too late." Dream said when she walked over, meeting Hook at the bottom of the ramp that he walked down. Dream slapped Hook across the face when he smirked, moving his hand to his cheek. "Am I?" He asked her, not being phased by what she just did. 

"I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself," Emma said when Hook took the pouch with the bean out.

"Maybe I just needed reminding that I could." Hook said, handing Dream the pouch. Dream looked down at the pouch, seeing the bracelet she gave back to him. She looked up at him when their eyes met. Dream looked away from him when she opened the pouch, having the bean fall out into the palm of her hand.

"Enough waiting around. Let's go." Emma said, making Dream look at her.

"Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town." Hook said, looking at the group, confused.

"We already did," David said, standing with his wife. 

"We need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal." Dream said, looking back at Hook when the entire group thought their interaction was skeptical. "Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them." Hook said, looking at Dream, who gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you." Dream mouthed to him when Hook turned to head back to his ship.

"Well, that's great, Hook, but how will we track them?" Regina asked, causing Hook to stop.

"Leave that to me. I can get us where we need to go." Gold spoke up while his arm interlocked with Belle when Hook turned to look at him. "Then let's do it." Dream smiled at the group when David and Mary Margaret nodded when Regina placed a hand on her back, smiling at her daughter.

Dream, Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret, and David followed Hook onto the ship, while Gold stopped to talk to Belle. "Belle... I-I have to go. You have to stay here." Gold sighed, looking at Belle, who he had just got back. "No! Why? I wanna help." Belle asked, not wanting to stay behind. "The town is no longer safe." Gold said, making David chime in since he had untied the rope from the dock.

"What?" David and Belle asked Gold in unison.

"Well, Greg and Tamara weren't working alone. Others will follow." Gold sighed, looking between Belle and David, before seeing Dream walked over, listening. "No. We can't leave people in danger." David sighed, when Gold reached into his pocket.

"After we've gone, follow these instructions... It's a cloaking spell. It'll shield the town, making it impossible for anyone to find." Gold said, handing Belle a scroll that was tied together with a red ribbon. "Well, then, how... How will you find your way back to me?" Belle asked, when David took it as his cue to give them some space. 

"Come on, kiddo." David said, placing a hand on Dream's back, walking her onto the ship.

Gold sighed, not answering Belle, when she realized by the look on his face what he was thinking. "You're... You're not coming back, are you?" Belle asked him, trying not to show the heartache in her voice. "The prophecy. The boy is my undoing... But he's also my grandson. I must save him. I must do this to honor Baelfire... He's gone. And I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye." Gold sighed, when Belle started to tear up, when she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I understand... But I also know that the future isn't always what it seems. I will see you again." Belle said, before kissing Gold.

When they pulled away, Belle started to cry, resting her forehead on his. She moved back, when she did not want to say goodbye. "Baelfire would be very proud of you... And she will be too." Belle said, looking up at Dream who stood with her mother. Gold nodded, giving her a smile, before watching her start to walk away.

~season 2, episode 22: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~1227 words~

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