•~chapter forty-five: friendship day~•

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The next morning was the morning that many had been awaiting in anticipation. Even the most antisocial people were excited, for Friendship Day had arrived!

Kanao was standing at her shoe locker. Her hand shook as she stared down apprehensively down at Tanjiro's shoe locker, wondering if she should put in some "friend" chocolate.

Her conflicted thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she heard the school's front doors slide open. Out of sheer panic of being discovered, she scampered away, the chocolate still in her hand.

And not a moment too soon. It was Tanjiro and Nezuko who had just come through those doors. Nezuko went off to find her friends as Tanjiro checked his locker... which was, unfortunately, empty.

He was careful not to show it in his face, yet he still trudged unhappily towards classroom 2-B, where Kanao met him at the door.

"Ah, hello Kanao." Tanjiro said, his blank eyes now filling with a little bit of light as she nodded hello.

Tanjiro walked over to his desk and checked the inside, feeling every nook and cranny where a chocolate could be hidden. But alas... he still found nothing but empty space.

"Hellooo~" said a familiar voice from the classroom doorway. Tanjiro and Kanao turned their heads in that direction to see a familiar blonde.

"Hello Zenitsu," Tanjiro said, raising his hand in a wave.

Tanjiro watched in confusion as Zenitsu sat into the empty chair closer to Kanao, his eyes shining like a begging puppy. He seemed to be expecting something.

At last, Kanao got the hint. Fishing through her book bag, she finally took out a plastic of "friend chocolate" and handed it over.

Zenitsu gratefully accepted the chocolate with glee. As he skipped away Tanjiro could hear him creepily muttering, "I got friend chocolate from a girl, and that girl was the class goddess, Kanao-chan! Wee-hee-hee~"

Inosuke was the next boy to pass by. Upon receiving the chocolate from Kanao, there was no thank you— just snatching and stuffing chocolate into his mouth.

Kanao turned to Tanjiro for help, who nervously told Kanao that was how Inosuke showed his gratitude.

Next, Aoi and Chimatsu came by, friendship chocolates in their hands as well.

"Happy Friendship Day, Kanao!" Aoi said. "Friend choco?"

To which Kanao nodded gratefully, and she passed a few bags to Aoi and Chimatsu too.

Many more of Kanao's friends passed by throughout the day, and Tanjiro watched, with a slight tension in his throat, as the exchange of friend chocolate occurred beneath his nose.

After Aoi and Chimatsu was Mio and Rin. Then came Chiasa in the middle of the day, and finally, Chō and Himari at the end of the school day.

Before the end of the day bell rang, Tanjiro turned to Kanao, who had shakily sat down after handing friend chocolate to the "terrifying" Genya Shinazugawa.

"So..." Tanjiro began uncertainly, avoiding Kanao's eyes. "You're giving friend choco to all your friends?"

All he received was a slight nod coming from the quiet girl's direction.

The pair sat in an awkward silence until a girl that Kanao didn't know approached Tanjiro's desk.

Kanao tilted her head in confusion, as it seemed that Tanjiro recognized this girl.

"Hello, Tanjiro-kun." the girl said, oblivious to Kanao's presence. "I brought you a friend choco. I know it's been years since we've spoken, but I still consider you as one of my good friends."

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