•~chapter fourty-four: chocolate making~•

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The day had come.

The day before Friendship Day.

As the morning sun cast its proud and brilliant light over the school of Kimetsu Gakuen, the voices of students began to fill the hallways.

Kanao was an exception. She sat in her desk, fidgeting quietly. The bell hadn't rang yet, and she stared at the hallways as people passed by.

Kanao suddenly felt a hand tap her shoulder, and she turned around to see Nezuko's smiling face.

"Hi there, Kanao!" Nezuko exclaimed happily. Kanao raised her hand in a small wave, a small smile spreading across her face.

What did you need, Nezuko? Don't you have to get to class? Kanao wrote, as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Ah yes." Nezuko said blandly, as if she was remembering the reason she was standing in the wrong classroom. "I was meaning to ask you a very important question."

Kanao tilted her head in confusion.

"My question was, what are you planning on doing for Friendship Day?" Nezuko asked. Kanao paused a moment, glancing here and there before writing, Nothing.

Nezuko gasped. "But how could you just do nothing? You have so many friends now, and I think this is an opportunity passing by."

Kanao thought about it for a moment. What are you thinking of doing, Nezuko? she asked through her writing.

"Oh, every year I invite some friends to make chocolate with me." Nezuko said nonchalantly, as if it was nothing. "I always make chocolate for my family anyways, so I decided, why not share the experience with some friends?"

"Would you like to join me this year?" Nezuko questioned nervously, her pink eyes shining with hope.

Kanao thought about again. True, she thought, it would be an opportunity passed by if I said no. Besides, I've never made chocolate before... That is something interesting I'd like to try.

Kanao nodded. Nezuko gasped happily, and asked, "Wait, is that a yes?"

Kanao nodded again, smiling peacefully as Nezuko hugged her in a happy embrace.

"Oh, but also," Nezuko said seriously, turning her gaze over to her brother, who was listening in. "Nii-chan, you're not allowed to join us. This is a girl's night."

Tanjiro jolted. I wasn't thinking about asking to join, though... he thought, sweatdropping.


And, as promised, that night, Kanao stood before the Kamado bakery, looking up at the ominous looking closed sign.

She didn't need to worry, however, as the door creaked open, and Nezuko was standing there with an unfamiliar girl that Kanao did not recognize.

"Come in, Kanao!" Nezuko exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Make yourself at home and we'll get started!"

Kanao came in, still staring apprehensively at the girl she didn't know. Nezuko followed Kanao's gaze.

"Oh, how rude of me." Nezuko said. "This is my best friend, Hifumi Toko."

Toko remained silent, and she just stared at Kanao, slack jawed.

"Toko, are you okay?" Nezuko asked in confusion. Turning to Kanao, she said, "I'm sorry Kanao, I'm not sure what's up with her. Normally she's super energetic and happy, but-"

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