•~chapter sixteen: country girl~•

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(Listen to the song for a better reading experience <3)


Many students are depressed today.

Perhaps, they're feeling uneasy in their surroundings, or they just lament the end of summer.

But when he looked at the other students, he thought:

"The students here today look perfectly giddy!"

...but, they were giddy because they saw Kanao again after a whole month.


But, there was one particular person that was VERY depressed on this day of returning to school.

And that...was a student in class 2-B. Her name is Yoshida Mio.


Ah'm really depressed...

That was Mio's constant thought as she walked toward the entrance of Kimetsu Gakuen.

Ah don' even know how ah got inter this here private school...since ah'm...ah'm...


Mio shouted this last part out loud, much to the shock of her fellow students...she is indeed, a country bumpkin.

First semester really was a-frightful, Mio thought, as she walked through the halls. Ah didn't talk much, because if the other students found out erbout me...they would definitely throw rocks at me.

While the other young-ins were all talking and having fun...I didn't say nuthin'. she thought, as a tear came to her eye.

While the other gals wore their skirts short....mine was five centimeters above mah knees. she thought, sighing. Short jus' wouldn' suit me!

But then, Mio looked down with an expression of triumph on her face.

But today, mah skirt's three centimeters above me knees! Ah'm a new gal!

But, as she walked through the hall, she began steaming with embarrassment. She fixed her skirt, making it cover her knees a bit more.

 She fixed her skirt, making it cover her knees a bit more

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Ah can' live like this any longer... Mio thought sadly. It's real depressin' to be so countrified.

But then, Mio saw something that snapped her out of her funk. Actually, it was someone who snapped her out of her funk.

Gasp! There's the class goddess! It's really Kanao~san! Mio thought, gazing at Kanao with stars in her eyes. She's so purty! A real city gal, ah reckon!

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