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"Hey, I'm Kenya, I prefer Kimmy, im sorry of a tomboy. I like video games. Bands I like are : black viel brides, pirece the viel, and some one direction songs. I hate McDonald's food, you are warned!" I gave me signature weird eye stare thing at the camera as I ended my filmed interview thing for the website. I hopped of the chair in the room and headed to my room. I decided to dye my hair a greyish white color and began to put black specks in. Once that was done I rinced it and got changed and did a blog for YouTube. "Hey guys, Kimmy here, and I dyed my hair, again! But eh, anyways, I just got done with another interview thing for the adotion center website. That means another adotion day is coming up! Let's hope I'm lucky and get adopted!" I said then waved bye to the camera and stoped recording. I loved this place but it has waaaayyyyyy to many girls, I have everyone wanting to be my friend because I have a YouTube, until they find out about my favorite two bands, bvb and PTV. When I saw I like some one direction songs, they go all crazy wanting to be my friends again. I still have nightmares at night but only my true friends leave me to sleep, they know its better. "All girls 10- 16 please come to the main hall" I looked at my outfit to make sure it looked good, I had a wordrobe most of the girls here would kill for, not forgetting how I d my hair. I nooded at my all white outfit, along with my white-ish grey-ish hair with specs of black. "I like your hair today Kimmy. Nice black specs" one of my closest friends, Becca told me. "Thanks, like yours too, dipped pink ponytail, nice." We walked down the hall talking about random things like what bands are better, what boys are the cutest at school, ya know, stuff like that. Then we finally got to the main hall. Becca grabbed my arm and squeezed it a little. "You reddy, Kimmy?" I took a deep breath and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." Then we walked thourgh the doors to the girls scattering to get into a line.
A/N I know about my name but eh, I do like some 1d songs, I use to be a fan, no much anymore, underline use to be. And yeah I'll get the next chapter up when I get to it.

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