From Sprinkler Splashes To Fireplace Ashes...

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"Alright, so remember. No lifting, no strenuous activity, no music, anything that could reopen your wounds for the next two weeks. You have an appointment on Monday to come back in and have the stitches removed."

I nod, perched on the end of the hospital bed I've been in for almost five days now, thankful to finally be up and walking around. True to his word, Dr. Greene had the chest tube out yesterday after everything came back normally, and now I'm just waiting to sign my soul over to get discharged. "Got it."

Dr. Greene gives me a small smile, holding his hand out towards me, which I instantly shake. "Take it easy."

With one last nod from me he exits the room, leaving me to help Lizzie and my mom finish packing up our things. The two women had most of it already done, but I still wanted to feel a little productive, so I half heartedly shove my phone charger into my bag as I try to calm my nerves about what's going to happen next. Because I get to surprise my girlfriend with a house, and I honestly don't know how she's going to react to that.

My mother, having already been filled in on the plan, gives me a small smile as she takes the majority of our bags and makes her way down to where Scarlett should be waiting for us. I let out a light sigh, casually wiping my palms on the sides of my joggers as I turn towards my girlfriend. "Do we have everything?"

Lizzie nods, glazing around the room once more. "I think so. Are you ready to go home?"

I give the brunette a small smile, holding my hand out, which she instantly takes. "Yeah. Let's go home."

Let's just hope that she doesn't freak out on me when she realizes we're both talking about different homes. And it's quite possible that she will, because I know that something is still bothering her. She's still sporting those dark circles under eyes, and the way she carries herself. I've spent the better part of these last few days walking on eggshells around her, not wanting to push her over the edge or directly confront her about it. Mostly because I know she'll come to me when she's ready, and we're all kinda facing our own demons at the moment.

The walk down the hall is slower than I would like, thanks to my still healing wounds, but Lizzie goes at my own pace and I'm thankful for it. (I seriously need to get her a spa day at some point, because that woman deserves it after everything I've put her through.) We eventually make it to the front entrance, where Lizzie stops us to slide baseball caps and sunglasses over our heads before she reconnects our hands.

We step out into the daylight, and into an influx of camera flashes. I'm not at all surprised to see them here, considering that my name is apparently being mentioned all over the world right now. Scarlett had shown me some of the articles, but I barely got through the first one before I told her I was finished. I'm still having a bit of trouble...dealing with everything. I can joke about it, sure, but I'm not the kind of person who just deals with their shit. It's gonna come around and bite me in the ass, I know. All my shit usually does at some point, point in case: the entirety of the last eight months. But that's a problem for future me. Right now I'm just trying to fight the urge to punch all these assholes in the face as their voices all blend together into a huge mass of annoying noise.

Thankfully Lizzie isn't taking their shit today, so she's able to get us through the wall of photographers and to the waiting car without much trouble. I carefully slide into the back seat with a grunt, hand resting against my rib cage where the bandages and the stitched up skin underneath pulls. A few seconds later Lizzie appears on the other side, and I wince as the brunette practically slams the car door behind her, looking more than a little annoyed.

I carefully reach out with my free hand, settling it on her knee and gaining her attention. The brunette's face softens as her green eyes meet mine and I give her a small smile. "Are you okay?"

Invisible String (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now