Something Wicked This Way Comes

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"So basically how this will go is: you'll be given a designated classroom, in your case it's the music room, and it's yours from 3:30-5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the rest of the school year. You'll come through here, sign in at the front desk and get your visitor's pass. Then you should be good to go. I honestly can't tell you how thankful we are that you signed up for this. The kids are so excited to meet you!"

I give the woman leading me down the hall a smile, Evelyn as she introduced herself as earlier, as I try to figure out how to clip my visitor's badge on my shirt without dropping my guitar case and the container of cookies I was carrying. Thankfully Evelyn seems to realize my struggle, and clips the badge onto the pocket of my flannel. "Thank you. It sounded like a pretty cool program. And if it means helping to inspire the next generation of musicians, I'm more than happy to do it."

We stop outside of a, surprisingly, large room with double doors. Judging by the art mural on the walls, a series of musical notes and instruments flowing around each other, this is where I'll be stationed. I glance through the door's glass panes, seeing a few teenagers already inside.

"Alright, this is the music room. I have the last music class of the day, so I'll make sure the doors remain unlocked for you when you're here. You ready to go in?"

Nodding, I follow her through the doors, the sounds of conversations and laughter ending as soon as the door clicks shut behind us. I give the five teenagers a small smile as I place my guitar down at my feet and the container of cookies on a nearby stool. They're all staring at me, and I recognize the looks as that starstruck kind of thing fans do. It's the same look Evelyn gave me when she introduced herself and shook my hand for like three whole minutes straight. It's not at all surprising that the kids who signed up for this are fans of the band. Honestly I'm a little flattered.

"Hello, everyone! As I'm sure you all know, this is Y/N Y/L/N. I expect you all to treat her with the kindness and respect that you show our faculty and staff. Understood?"

When all the teenagers nod, I give Evelyn another smile as she turns towards me. "Do you need anything before I go?"

"I think I'm good. Thank you, Evelyn."

I swear to god this woman visibly swoons up at me. "It's no problem. My office is just down the hall and to the left if you need anything. Have fun!"

When the teacher is finally out of the room I turn back towards the teenagers, giving a little awkward wave. "Hi, guys. Uh, it's nice to meet all of you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all for however long we're together. Oh! There's cookies in that container on that stool. My girlfriend made them for you all, so help yourselves. They're nut free, though, I promise. I figured we'd just spend a few minutes kind of getting to know each other before we dive into the lessons."

I watch as the kids pass the container around the room with a smile, and pull a chair up closer to where they're all sitting. We spend like thirty minutes just talking, with the teenagers all introducing themselves and why they're here. I also answer each and every question they ask me, which are mostly about what it's like to be famous and the new album that just came out. I'm glad they all agree that they loved it, and every single one of them has several songs from it downloaded on their phones. The album itself has been doing very well, having surpassed all our expectations for it, and I'm glad that the fans are loving it.

"Okay, last questions before we get into the guitar lessons."

I chuckle as each of their hands fly up, and decide to just go down the line. Jenny, who's sitting closest to me, looks like she's fixing to fall out of her chair with excitement. "How long have you been playing guitar?"

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