Rude Awakening

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The sound of someone banging on my front door jarred me out of my peaceful sleep, my eyes squinting in the semi-darkness of my room. Light was just beginning to pour in between the cracks where my curtains weren't completely closed, meaning that it couldn't be too late in the morning.

Another round of knocking suddenly reminded me why I had woken up, and as I went to roll out of bed to see what the hell was going on, I was stopped by a heavy weight on my left side preventing me from doing so. Glancing down, I realized Lizzie had apparently gravitated towards me in her sleep. The blonde had tucked herself into my side, one arm draped over my stomach and legs entangled in mine, still sound asleep and blissfully unaware.

Gently removing myself from the blonde, I waited until I was sure she was going to stay asleep before tiptoeing out of the room and hurrying towards my front door. I slung it open, barely missing Scarlett's fist as she moved to knock again. Why had I given her the code to the building again? Oh, yeah. Because I love her. Not now, but eventually I will again.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Scarlett sent me a glare, confusing me in my still half-asleep state. "I've been calling you all morning. Why didn't you answer?"

I moved out of the way as she entered my apartment, rubbing my face with one hand to try and wake myself up more since we're apparently having a conversation. "I must have left my phone out here last night. Why were you calling me?"

"Lizzie's missing. She left the set last night in a hurry and didn't tell anyone where she was going. She looked upset and she's not answering her phone, either."

Closing the front door, I followed the blonde into my kitchen, where she was already scrolling through my phone. "Lizzie isn't missing. She's asleep in my bed."

Scarlett glanced up from my phone, her eyebrows pulled together. "What?"

"Lizzie is here. She's not missing. Why do you know my passcode?"

I watched as the blonde gently placed my phone back down on the counter, looking much less stressed than she did a few seconds ago. "Oh."

Sliding myself onto one of my kitchen barstools, I let out a yawn. "Yeah. She was pretty upset when she got here. What happened on set?"

Scarlett settled herself across from me, shaking her head. "I don't know. They were telling everyone about the Atlanta filming schedule for certain projects and right afterwards she just left in a hurry."

Confused about why that would have upset the blonde still asleep in my bed, I let my head rest in the palm of my hand. "I don't see why that would warrant that reaction, but okay. Nothing else happened?"

"Not that I know of."

I took a few minutes to fully wake up, yawning a few times before I noticed the small smile on Scarlett's face. "Why are you smiling?"

"Is she really asleep in your bed?"


The blonde's smile slowly morphed into a smirk, the dots suddenly connecting in my head, forcing me to sit up straight. "Not like that, you pervert! I told you she was upset, I wouldn't have taken advantage of her like that. We just slept in the same bed. That's it."

Scarlett's smirk remained firmly in place, much to my annoyance, the blonde making herself at home as she brewed two cups of coffee and slid one over to me. I sat quietly, sipping on my drink and glaring at the older woman every few seconds. I knew she was bursting to tease me about this. I could see it on her stupid face.

"So have you told her you like her yet?"

Rolling my eyes because there it is, I shook my head as I took another sip of my coffee. "No. I haven't."

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