'Cause they hate me, So I'm faking'

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TW//: Homophobia, Use of F slur.

Harry groans and looks up from where his head is buried in his textbook when he feels yet another up paper ball hit his arm. He leans down and picks it up and un crumples it to read what's written inside.

Will you go out with me check yes or no?

Harry blinks sure he's misreading. He looks ups and around the room, only for 3 boys behind him to fire spit balls at his head and erupt in laughter.

"Knew he was a fairy." He hears one of the whisper. Fuck this health class was all boys. He gets up to grab tissues and and wipe the grimy spit off his forehead and cheek and of course when he gets back his bag his gone.

"Miss, Nick and James took my bag." He says to the teacher not really wanting to be a tattle tale about it but he knows it's going to continue no matter what he does and he doesn't feel like dealing with them one on one. Harrys been bullied pretty much since the 6th grade, he was praying when he got to high school people would mature or at least have enough of a life to leave him the fuck alone but no it only got worse. Now it was even more personal and sometimes more physical.

"What are you even on about nerd, your bag is literally in front of your face." James snorts and yes when he had turned to tell the teacher they put it back. The teacher gives him an apologetic smile and he sighs returning to his seat. However when he reaches to pull out his pencil case, he feels things spilled out in his bag and he reaches to pull one out only to discover it was a bunch of loose condoms.

Health class was always the worst because it was all boys and that meant the whole gang was together.
Greg, Nick, James, Jimmy and Graham. (Yes these are all interviewers idk) After hearing snicking behind him and Greg whispering in his hear.

"Don't want you getting aids faggot" He tenses up and decides he's had enough and better get out of there before he starts to cry.

He gets up and slowly walks to the front where the teacher was quietly marking up there tests.

She looks up at him and smiles. "Hi Harry dear, what can I do for you."

"Um. Actually I'm really not really feeling all that well."
He says nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh, I"m sorry dear. I did hear there was a bug going around so why don't you head down to the nurse then." Harry sighs gratefully, he knew she would be easily persuaded this teacher really likes him but the nurse will be another obstacle, he really just wants to go home. He grabs his bag from his chair and ignores whatever glares and whispers the boys behind him give him and quickly slides out of the classroom and heads down to the nurses office.

He enters slowly and sees the clear windows of the of the nurse's office with a desk in the middle and chairs lined up against each side of the walls, with two separate rooms where kids can lay down behind her. She's talking to another student, giving her some ice for her ankle and telling her to get back to class.

"Harry, dear back so soon?" The nurse greets him, because no this was not even close to the first time he's ducked out of class by faking ill.

"What can I do for you." She continues but looks down at her computer.

"Um im really not feeling too good." He stutters.

"Right, yes I presume that's why your here, what seems to be the issue."

He needs to be a bit more creative something that's not so obvious but also something he's hasn't used before which was exhaustion, headache, faked a cough and back pain.

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