The Magic Sweater

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Like clockwork Louis wakes up to the sound of his Iphone alarm blaring American idiot by Green Day.

In his second year of College he was very used to the routine and knew vaguely what each month of the year would entail. December was always one of the worst, with finals at the end of the month and students overworked and overtired in the gloomy, cold New York weather; nobody was really in their best mood.

He turned to snooze his alarm and pulled the duvet over his head and turned to go back to sleep. It's not like he doesnt love school, he does, he has great friends and he doesn't mind most of his classes. It's just he had so much to do and nobody's that much fun right now with all the studying, either overly stressed, overly tired or actually sick since it's winter and the flu is going around and everyone is too scared to miss any class days before finals.

Liam was just sick last week and was working himself like crazy practically fainting until Niall literally had to sit on him to make him stay in bed. Louis and Zayn witnessed it and were laughing hysterically at the scene but it was probably not that funny and they were just tired, borderline delirious from doing nothing but looking at their computers and textbooks all day.

He was about to drift back off to sleep when his alarm went off again and he was abruptly hit in the face with something soft, most likely a pillow. He pulled back the duvet and turned his head to the side to see his roommate Harry sitting up, another pillow in his hand, looking like he was about to throw that one at him too.

"Turn that awful shit off." he growled, voice still a bit rough from sleep.

"Why, it's a good song." Louis shot back but obliged anyway. Even if it was a good song he hated hearing it everyday at ass crack in the morning.

The thing with his roommate Harry was he wasn't sure if they really liked each other, they didn't fight or do anything specific to get on each others bad side, they were just very different and Harry didn't seem to want to speak to Louis much, for roommates they barely saw each other, he wasn't sure why.

He met Harry once last year when Niall convinced the group to go to a frat party so they could get the "true college experience" since they were all new to the U.S and Niall wanted to compare the experience from what he had seen in the movies. He remembers going into conversation with Harry, excited over the fact that they were both from England. He remembers the two of them having a really good connection and a great time.

Unfortunately he doesn't remember much else from that night. He drank too much of that bleach tasting drink, which he tried as hard as he could to cut the with juice but the flavor always lingered. Harry was beautiful, not someone you could forget really. He wasn't sure what the tension was for whenever they were around each other nowadays.

Louis finally got up and saw that Harry was out of his bed and not in the room. He was kind of dreading the long day ahead of him, he had three morning classes and then rehearsal for the production of grease the drama department was putting on. He was playing Danny for the third time in his life, he knew all the lines practically by heart but still needed to be at rehearsals, being the lead and all, also for choreography and other blocking. Then he was planning to meet his friends at the cafe to study some more. He was already feeling tired and rundown from the thought of the day and he barely just got up. He was also a little cold even in what was usually a very sweaty and hot dorm.

He went to scrummage through his dresser to look for a sweater when he remembered he hadn't found time to do the laundry and most of his clothes were in the hamper. So feeling too cold to be in sleeves and knowing it was way worse outside. He had one last option.

Sighing he turned to Harry who was just coming back from the communal bathroom. "Hey, um... do you think I could maybe... uh borrow a sweater, I'm kinda chilly and it's freezing outside and um my clothes are" before he could finish the sentence a large black hoodie was flying at him.

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