Maple and Cinnamon

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Louis pov

It was the fall and Louis was currently working part time in a small cafe in the center of town during Year 13. He really enjoyed his job especially when he had a shift with Liam. So he would normally be really excited to come in but today he was really tired, he had a headache and all he wanted was to go home and take a nap but he had agreed to work and Liam was in today. So he walked there sluggishly straight after school with his heavy backpack weighing him down.

When he arrived through the back door he punched in and saw that Liam was already there gathering inventory from the back.

"Hi, Louis! How you been?" Liam greeted when he spotted Louis.

"I'm good, a bit tired." Louis replied while setting his stuff down and putting on his apron.

"Mmm, schools been a bitch so far, thought we'd get to  have it easy. Make yourself something caffeinated before you start." Liam suggested.

"Innit, and yes I definitely will thanks!"
Louis makes a black tea and gets ready for his shift. It's not super busy but there's a good amount of things to do. Kids from his school come in a few of his neighbors and people he's knows from town. He was waiting for someone in particular though, someone who comes in everyday being a bit obvious about the fact he's just there to see Louis because sometimes he'd get in line they'd talk and he'd forget to order and tell Louis to surprise him with anything. Around 6 the door chimes again and Louis looks up to see a familiar green eyed brunette.

Harry's Pov.
Louis definitely knew by now and maybe it was a little pathetic but honestly he didn't care, talking him was his favorite part of the day. Sometimes they'd see each other in the halls. He would wave and Louis would give a wink or a smile back. Sometimes Louis would nod his head at him or punch him lightly on the arm while he passed by with his friends. Louis was a year ahead of and much more popular, the whole school knew him or knew of him.

The first time he came into the cafe a couple weeks into the school year he didn't know Louis had worked there. Niall dragged him out of the library early claiming he was hungry and couldn't study without coffee, Starbucks didn't have good food and they knew it be pretty packed after school on a Friday so they opted for a cafe called 'Maple Leaf' which had a cozy Vermont type feel to it. It was pretty small and it smelt a bit like maple and cinnamon. When he spotted Louis behind the counter busy taking an order he freaked out a little.

"Niall" he said turning to whisper and trying to get his attention, he was busy skimming the menu.

"I think I want this mozzarella sandwich." Niall contemplated completely oblivious to Harry.

"Niall, we have to leave" he said a bit louder.

Niall looked up finally at Harry confused. "What, why?"

"Louis....Louis works here." He mumbled.

"Oh come on you oaf, I'm cool with him, he's in my drama class." He assured clasping him on the back and pushing him to the front.

Louis looked up and smiled brightly seeing Niall.
"Tommo, my man" Niall greeted loudly. "Didn't realize you worked here."

"Hey Ni, yeah since the summer actually, it's pretty laid back, get free drinks so. Who's the cute curly one?" Louis smiled glancing at Harry who freezes.

"This is Harry. Harry , Louis. Niall winked at him gesturing between the two.

"Hi." He said nervously.

"Oh ya, Styles right? Your Gemmas brother."
Gemma graduated last year but was crew for school productions and Louis being a main role for all of them they knew each other well. He came to see every play Gemma worked on and that's when the crush developed. Louis was a natural on stage, confident and beautiful under the lights.

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