A Change of Heart

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Inspired by How I met your mother.
(A change of heart" s6/ep 18) Barney doesn't wan't anything to ruin his date with Nora but gets sick right before and inspo from (s6/ep 16 "Desperation Day") — Hope you enjoy !!

Louis woke up more excited than he's been in a while, he didn't even sleep properly because his head was filled with the green eyes and brown curls. Harry Styles who he had met last week on his favorite day of the year. February 13th or the day before valentines day. Liam worked with Harry and introduced him at their regular bar while the boys were drinking too much in protest of the holiday.

Louis was never one for a commitment of any kind always avoiding  the cheesy coupley stuff like going to morning farmers market's and cuddling without having any sex. He found it quite lame and was more of a one night stand kind of guy.

The night he met Harry, while standing by the bar waiting for their drinks, he explained to Louis that he didn't really hate valentines day and was just feeling loss of hope in finding someone that actually meant something to him.

"I'm kind of a hopeless romantic.'' Harry had admitted.

They talked all night, clicking instantly and engaging more with each other than with Niall, Liam or Zayn.

As the night was coming to an end. Louis didn't want to let Harry go quite yet, so feeling tipsy and overly confident he turned to ask. "You want to do something fun?" Harry just smiled, slight confusion in his eyes but clearly eager to know what it was. Louis took him to go play laser tag, his favorite game, all the way till closing time, getting even more drunk at the arcade and sharing a soft pretzel.

After the night ended and they went their separate ways Louis checked his phone which lit up to say.

2:00 am. February 14th.
Meaning for the first time ever Louis was on a date on valentines day and he wasn't even sure if he minded.

Harry had texted him over the weekend asking if he was free for a real dinner on Thursday and ever since Louis has been antsy with nervous energy barely able to do anything but freak out about the date, he wasn't sure what had gotten into him he just never been so into someone especially not enough to go out with them twice.

So when he realized it was finally Thursday he was feeling really tired, practically shaking from nerves. So he went downstairs to make himself coffee passing Liam, his roommate already sitting in the living room.

"Hey Mate, finally date night." Liam excitedly announced as he saw Louis walking past. Louis was talking about the date pretty much all week so of course Liam would tease him first thing the morning of.

"I know it is, thank you" Louis nodded barely any emotion in his response.

"C'mon I know you're excited, you've been crazy all week." Liam says as Louis walks back from the kitchen, after pouring his coffee sitting on the chair next to him.

"It's probably not even gonna work out. We're so different. Plus Harry wants a real relationship" Louis said and it was just a fact, they did click pretty well but he seemed to be someone who would be awfully clingy in a relationship and Louis never had something more than casual sex.

"So, why can't you say his name without smiling?" Liam teases seeing how Louis smiles even at every mention of the guy.

"Shut up, of course I can ! Harry" Louis tried slowly doing his best to suppress his growing grin.

"Shit" he mutters. Still looking at Liam who was looking more than amused,

"Harry" He tries again drawing out the syllables smiling wider, then looking back at Liam with an 'oh fuck off' face.

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