Noisey Night

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I'm actually quite proud of this one ;) Enjoy !

Coughing, no hacking. 19th century tuberculosis type coughing. That's what he woke up to. Well he wasn't sleeping, he got really close this time. He slept about 45 minutes in total tonight. He was almost sure Louis hadn't got any though.

He was lying on his stomach with his head face down buried in his mattress in his small, secluded dorm room.

He loved Louis, no not loved. Well actually yes he was in love with Louis but that wasn't the point, they weren't even dating. Louis and Harry were close; they've been friends longer than they've been roommates they requested to be together this year.

Harry wasn't even Louis' best friend, no that was Zayn. Harry's is Niall. Well that's what he would say to their faces and to himself so he doesn't have to admit he's in love with his best friend.

But that wasn't the issue not right now anyway. The issue is he loves Louis but he cannot for the life of him get sick right now. Finals were approaching, he had projects due it was all in all a terrible week for Louis to be sick for both their sakes.

He was kinda surprised he was still on his feet usually he was the one to catch stuff not Louis but it being December and shit going round he had been extra cautious. Hand sanitizer in pocket, not touching door handles, taking loads of vitamins, kind of cautious. Now his roommate was sick and he was pretty much screwed.

When he fell out of his self deprecating whirlwind of thoughts Louis was still coughing, though now more it was more like gagging. His eyes were still shut and his head was pressed into the mattress so he couldn't see what was happening but he could guess what Louis' next move was. He hears the blankets being shoved, then the floorboards creak and finally the door clicking shut. Now the only noise was the humming of the humidifier which wasn't just put in for Louis it was dry as hell in the dorms in the winter.

Harry gasped letting out the breath he was holding half from being nervous about Louis but mostly to try and not breath the contaminated air as much as possible it was pointless really. He felt so bad for his roommate, it was practically taking every little cell in his body to stay put and not hold Louis in his arms until he's better, he knew he'd break soon enough.

He didn't know how Louis had gotten so bad.
They hadn't seen each other all day waking up before him and them not having any of their shared classes that day though he found out later Louis didn't attend for the second time this week and anyone that knew Louis would realize just how shitty he felt by that fact alone.

He remembered when this weird illness took effect on him.

It was Tuesday afternoon, he was sitting at a round table in the campus library with Niall and Liam.
They were trying to study, Liam was doing a good job, Niall was not.

"Screw this honestly, my heads gonna burst all over this table. It's gonna look like you two murdered me and you'll have to try to explain how I simply studied too much and you two are innocent but that will sound bloody ridiculous so you'll go to jail." Niall finished and shut his book with force to punctuate. Harry scoffed. Liam didn't even look up from his laptop still typing away glasses slipping down his face.

"Did you even do anything?" Harry asked him.

"I studied for the History exam which did absolutely fucking nothing." Niall answered him before picking up the empty chip bag on the table and leaning his head back to pour the crumbs in his mouth. Before Niall could put the chips down they saw Zayn approaching the table. Harry straightened up smiling hopefully knowing that wherever Zayn was Louis was, but looking around he didn't see him anywhere close.

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