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ok I'm on a roll and I have another one ready so !!!

Harry was on his way to Louis' house. He was really excited because he'd only been over a few times and this was their first sleepover. He wasn't that close with him yet but he was hoping to become closer because he really liked Louis.

He wasn't like anyone he'd ever met. They met at camp during the summer and lived two towns over so they didn't go to the same school and Louis was a year older than him. Harry was in 7th grade Louis was in the 8th but they talked all the time over text and Skype, so he was really looking forward to tonight.

When his mom pulled up to Louis' place he practically jumped out of the car almost forgetting to say goodbye. When he got to the door he didn't know if he should knock, ring the bell or text Louis. He opted with knocking.

He was waiting a few seconds outside tapping his foot eagerly when the door swung open revealing Louis, who Harry hadn't seen in person in a few months. He looked as beautiful, eyes still blue as he remembered. He did look a bit disheveled and tired though, he was wearing gray sweats and a band tee.

Harry smiled wide as Louis greeted him motioning him to come inside. "Hi!" Harry said trying not to sound so eager or dorky.

"Hey Curly," Louis said definitely not as eager but smiling genuinely. Harry blushed at the nickname Louis had been calling him since the day they met.
Louis kept a bit of distance between them as Harry took off his shoes and was led further inside. Harry was a bit confused.

"So listen." Louis said seriously and paused. Harry was afraid for what he was about to tell him.

"I'm not really feeling a 100% me self, I'm not contagious or anything I don't think. It's just I might have to take it a bit easy tonight."

Harry sighed but was relieved since he was expecting the worst and though he was sad Louis wasn't feeling well, he was kinda grateful because he heard Louis' stories of the things he would do with his friends. They were older, rebellious and daredevils. That wasn't Harry's scene so he was glad that they would be keeping it lowkey but he kept that thought to himself.

"Oh, that's totally okay. I'm just glad to be here. Sorry your feeling bad though, what's the matter?" Harry replied as cool and collected as he could manage.

"Not much, just a bit of a headache and been kinda nauseous all day. I didn't wanna cancel because we've been waiting a while for this and we haven't seen each other in so long and I missed you." Harry blushed at Louis response. "But if you wanna go home at any point don't hesitate to tell me." Louis continued.

"No!" Harry had almost shouted speaking a bit too abruptly. "I mean, no. I'm glad I'm here and we can have a chill night no problem." Harry said calmly this time.

Louis smiles at Harry for a minute. "Oh my moms not home at the moment she'll probably come late but my older sister is here. You remember Charlotte."
(Lottie is older bc I can)

"Ya course I do." Harry does, she was really sweet and pretty and had platinum blonde Harry and wore huge eyelashes.

"Oh almost forgot. I brought a brownie mix if you're felling up for it." Harry says pulling out the box  from his bag to show Louis hoping that it wasn't super lame. It seemed to not be though because he saw Louis' eyes light up and he responded by immediately grabbing the mix out of Harry's hand.

"Yes, we're doing this first. Though I'm kinda shit at baking but I'll gather the ingredients and pretend to be busy the whole time." Harry laughed and they both walked to the kitchen.
(wink wink this is us)

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