Special Chapter 9: Candied Kumquats

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Wei Ying is very hungry and the baby is moving in his stomach very actively. The baby was kicking around too much. Wei Ying sighed and carress his stomach.

"Baby, don't kick too much. It hurts," Wei Ying said but the baby is really active. Even though it hurting him, Wei Ying is still happy. In a few weeks, the baby will be born and he will have another miracle in their lives.

He can still remember Lan Zhan's expression when they found out that he was pregnant.

"Wei Ying... is pregnant?" Lan Zhan's face is full of confusion. His sister in law said that it's not always guaranteed that his wife will get pregant. But Wei Ying is very happy to know that he is pregnant and looked at Lan Zhan who doesn't look like at least a bit happy with the news.

"Lan Zhan, you don't want me to be pregnant?" Wei Ying asked and pouted. Lan Zhan looked at him abd shook his head. Lan Zhan is still expressionless but his eyes is sparkling.

"I'm just worried," Lan Zhan said. Wen Qing sighed and nodded.

"I know you're worried but I will make sure that Wei Ying's life will not be in danger as long as I am around," Wen Qing assured with a smirk on her face. Lan Zhan looked down and nodded. He then looked at Wei Ying's still flat stomach and caressed it. With Lan Zhan's gesture, It made Wei Ying be happy that Lan Zhan accepts their baby.

Now, Lan Zhan and Lan Xiyang is very careful around him since he is almost in the last month of his pregnancy. Lan Xiyang was always with him and the child didn't leave him other than in the restroom.

"Niangqin, are you comfortable?" Lan Xiyang asked as he put his head over Wei Ying's bulging stomach. Wei Ying smiled and caressed the child's head.

"Yes, I am very much comfortable. Where is your Ah die?" Lan Xiyang pouted because his mother is looking for his Ah Die when he is here.

"Niangqin, I am here! I can take care of you," Lan Xiyang cutely said even though his face is expressionless like his father. Wei Ying laughs and pinches Lan Xiyang's cheeks.

"Oh yes, my second baby is big now even though he's only turning 3," Wei Ying said and squished his sons's face. The latter didn't express discomfort nor irritation but he loves it more instead.

"Niangqin, will I have a baby brother or sister?" Wei Ying thought of it and looked at his stomach.

"Well, I am not really sure but I think this will be a baby brother," Wei Ying answered with a smile on his face. Lan Xiyang looked away and clicked his tongue. He wished that his brother won't hog their mother to himself, he needs to learn to share.

"I hope he likes Ah Die more," Lan Xiyang expressed his feelings unlike his father who seldom shows and say his own feelings. Wei Ying grinned and hugged Lan Xiyang.

"But I wished that Xiyang will take care of his brother. It will make Ah Niang happy," Wei Ying said. Lan Xiyang looked at him and pouted before nodding himself. Even though he doesn't want to but he can't say anything. Wei Ying suddenly felt pain for a second before it disappeared. He groaned which made Lan Xiyang alert.

"Niangqin? Is there something wrong?" Lan Xiyang asked and his eyebrow furrowed. Wei Ying smiled and shake his head. He's been feeling it since earlier this morning. He didn't bother to think about it but since his stomach is hurting he might be in labour.

"Nothing, Xiyang! Hehe, come here my baby I need my big boy to go to Ah Die or your Yuan Gege, say to them that I want to eat Candied Kumquats," Wei Ying said with a smile on his face although the pain is starting to feel so terrible. Lan Xiyang doesn't want to leave his mother but he did what his mother said. He left, Wei Ying let out a groan and clutched his stomach.

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