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Sooyeon had been picking her herbs in the forest close to the palace. She then felt, at the corner of her eyes, someone trying to approach her. She got up and held the basket firmly in her hands looking at this person. "Who are you and what do you want?" She asked a bit serious.

"No need to be all tensed. I am a trusted maid from the 13th princes manor. He would like to send you a message." The maid told her.

'Not this again. Why won't the prince just leave me be. There is a reason I didn't try to meet up with him again, he should've just taken that hint.' Sooyeon had thought.

"I'm sorry but as you can see, I'm very busy and not interested in taking the message of the 13th Prince, so you'll just have to go back." Sooyeon said getting back to what she was doing.

"Oh? This won't take very long. I'm afraid it's not good news either. I know you were probably thinking he's trying to see you again, but I assure you, this is the last message you will ever be receiving from the 13th Prince." The maid said holding up the paper.

Sooyeon sighed a bit, giving in. "I wasn't thinking that for you're information but whatever, just tell me." Sooyeon said looking at the maid curiously.

The maid started reading aloud, "Sooyeon it's me, the 13th prince baek ah, I think you may have misunderstood me within the times we've  been seeing each other. To avoid any more false rumors, I will never see you again. I never had any romantic  feelings for you. After all you were only just a maid. It was never my intention. As you know I am a kind prince and only wanted to help you out. It was nothing more than that. Just a bunch of silly rumors  made up by the other maids. I hope you won't take this to heart but someday you may find someone..who is on you're level to marry you. Though that someone will not be me, I hope you can be happy. Have a good life Sooyeon. Goodbye."

the maid rolled up the decree and sighed looking at her. "You really are a foolish girl. Also, listen. Would you please get a grip? How could a prince ever marry a maid like you? Stop dreaming and wake up. A maid like you can never be with the 13th prince, you're just a maid after all. Get a hold of yourself and go back to picking herbs for you're lady." The maid said looking at her rudely.

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