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'Why does he want to spend time with me? I'm sure he has other people he can go to, besides he barely knows me, and I'm just a maid.' Sooyeon thought to herself. Although it did make her feel kind of special. 'I kind of like it. Wait, Sooyeon what are you thinking? Snap out of it. He's a prince and you're a maid there's no way you two can be together , even if you wanted to.'

"What's on You're mind?" Prince baek ah asked staring into her eyes.

She blushes and looks away. "It's nothing."

He took out his sketch book and his pencil smiling. "What are you doing?" Sooyeon asked.

"Well isn't it obvious? I'm going to draw you."

"Wow..I didn't know a prince would have such a talent." Sooyeon said smiling a bit.

"Well I am a very talented prince. I'm very good at drawing now sit down and stay still so I can draw you."

"But why would you wanna draw me you're highness? I'm nothing that special..after all I'm just a maid.."

"No, you have value. Just because you were born into the palace as a maid does not mean you shouldn't be treated with equal respect as everyone else." Prince baek ah said smiling as he sketched her out, looking at her pretty face.

Prince baek ah was such a nice person. He was a very kind prince, and was equal to everyone. He did not discriminate anyone because of their rank, and Sooyeon liked that about him.

"You know you're a really kind person you're highness and I admire that." Sooyeon said smiling.

Baek ah continued to sketch her out and nodded. "Well then you'll stay with me
More in the future." He said smiling.

"What?" She said blushing. Her heart even started beating a bit fast. What was he doing her?

Even though Sooyeon never lived in the dynasty timeline, she would always watch kdramas about the different timelines in dynasty, and the royal families always discriminated against maids and people of lower status but this seemed to be different and not like the dramas so it was okay.

Scarlet heart ryeo: Baek Ah.Where stories live. Discover now