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It was obvious that Sooyeon was not herself. Which saddened jisoo. "Min ju..you must take care of Sooyeon. I know she may not seem like herself right now, and we don't know if she'll ever be herself again, but no matter what you've got to promise me you'll always have her back."

"Yes my lady I understand. She seems better now if I'm being honest. I was really afraid of her at first, and now I feel like I can talk to her because she has no memories. I can speak to her because she's different. She seems much nicer and I like that it feels different. I promised you when you first took us both in that I would take good care of her and you, and stay by you're sides forever and I will stick to my word."

"Thank you min ju. You're a sweet girl and so is she, and I need you both to stick together even if I am not here..anymore."

"What are you saying my lady? Don't say such things of course you'll be here why wouldn't you be?"

"Because..min ju..I don't know how much time I have left, but it doesn't seem like very long. I want you two to be there for each other and take care of each other even if I leave and go somewhere far away and it may not be easy...but just know things will get better ."
Jisoo said hugging her.

"But my lady I don't want you to leave us.."

"And I don't want that either, but if it's my time then there's not much I can really do. I'm going to be here with you and Sooyeon for the time I have left but once I am ready to go I'd expect you two to not mourn me, I want you two to be happy even if it's without me it's my wish okay?"

"Yes my lady.."

Min ju was left with tears leaving her lady's manor. The words jisoo had said had really hurt her, she wasn't ready to have her lady leave her and Sooyeon. She couldn't protect Sooyeon all on her own she could barely protect herself, she wasn't use to this.

Meanwhile Sooyeon was waiting outside for min ju.

"Is everything okay?" Sooyeon asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine come on let's go back to You're room."

"Sure." Sooyeon said smiling and walking back with min ju.

Scarlet heart ryeo: Baek Ah.Where stories live. Discover now