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Sooyeon didn't understand why the rules were so strict. Why couldn't she just date who she wanted? Her love life was already hard in the other world, but now even in this world, it's harder.

'When I wished to live a different life, I didn't ask for more bad luck' she thought to herself a bit annoyed.

"Why is my life so hard either way?" She said to herself contemplating, while sitting down outside. She was just thinking to herself.

"I didn't get You're name." She heard a voice call out to her.

Sooyeon raises her head and noticed it was the 13th prince baek ah. Not him again. He's gonna get her in  trouble. "Why do you want my name you're highness? Aren't we going to get in trouble if we're together more?" Sooyeon asked confused.

"Well, if I say it's okay to be together then it's okay to be together. I suppose you don't want to disobey a Royal prince right?" Baek ah asked.

"What?" She said blushing.

"Of course not You're highness." Sooyeon told him bowing her head.

"Then give me you're name?" Baek ah asked.

"It's Sooyeon." She said looking at him.

"You have such a pretty name." He said smiling.

"Thank you, your highness. What are you doing here? Don't you have some princely things to return to?"

"I have free time." He said smiling.

"Oh alright well I hope you have fun." She said bowing and walking away.

He grabbed her by her clothes pulling her back to him, "where do you think you're going?"

"I have things to do You're highness.."

"Is that why you're lounging around here passing time?" He said looking at her.


"I know you're lying to me. Why don't you spend some time with me?"

"Why do you want to hang out with me so badly?"

"You're words are a little confusing to understand. Hang out? What is that?"

"It is to spend time with me you're highness."

"Strange way of putting it, but because I want to, why can't I?"

"Because you're highness I'm a maid and you're a prince, I heard from min ju and the lady that it is strictly forbidden and we both can get into serious trouble. I can get tortured or worse
Killed, and I'm not sure I'm ready to risk my life.." she said sighing.

"It's going to be okay." He said smiling.

Scarlet heart ryeo: Baek Ah.Where stories live. Discover now