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Sooyeon looks at min ju. " what do I say to our Lady?" She asked min ju. " do you not remember how to greet people?" Min ju asked worried. " did I have an accident? why is it that I can't remember anything..?" Sooyeon asked.

" you told me you remembered! Oh no what to do..I don't get it..you were perfectly fine but..then one day..we were going out to buy a gift  for my lady and I remember you suddenly collapsed out of thin air..I was so scared. You seemed weak, I thought you weren't going to wake up. Our lady got so sick worrying about you and taking care of you each night , she didn't care about her own health. You're like a daughter to my lady, so..we were scared to death..but you're finally awake with no memories what am I suppose to tell our lady?"

"I'm sorry I'm causing you both so much trouble..it looks like I'm a bother even in this new life as well. No matter where I go, I'm always a nuisance for everyone..maybe I shouldn't—live.." Sooyeon said sighing looking down.

"Sooyeon ah! Stop saying things like that. You will only worry our lady more. Just be calm okay?" Min ju asked. "Okay.."

"My lady, min ju and Sooyeon are outside."

"Tell them to come in." Jisoo said sighing.

The doctor told them to come in and walked out the manor.

Min ju slowly walked in with Sooyeon.

"Hello.." Sooyeon said shyly looking at jisoo.

Jisoo hugged her all worried. "I was so worried you wouldn't wake up again , don't make me worry like this ever again. I tried so hard to make sure you didn't die.." jisoo cried.

"I'm okay now." Sooyeon said smiling happily.

Jisoo looked at her confused. The way Sooyeon was acting, it was different. She didn't seem like her old self. The real Sooyeon jisoo knew was a girl whom seemed cold hearted on the outside but was very warm on the inside. Sooyeon seemed too kind and always smiling, she didn't seem like herself.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked Sooyeon.

"Nothing I am fine. I am better than fine I am perfect so please don't worry anymore. I'm sorry to have made you worry from now on I'll stay by You're side."

But Sooyeon was the type of person who was adventurous she liked to go outside and she never liked staying inside with jisoo at all, or staying by her side that much.

"You seem different is all.." jisoo said looking at her with saddened eyes.

'How do I even act? What kind of girl was Sooyeon? I need to be completely like her if I want to survive this timeline..' Sooyeon thought to herself.

"Don't worry I'll be back to normal soon, I just don't want to make you sad anymore." Sooyeon said smiling.

"Okay.." jisoo said staring at her.

Scarlet heart ryeo: Baek Ah.Where stories live. Discover now