010, 𝐓𝐄𝐍

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dd is in love with india. he's sure of it. the first time he seen her on live, she was high out of her mind but he could tell how nervous she was to speak to him. he didn't know if it's cus she was shocked that jaden knew him or cus he was fine. either way, his stomach did backflips when he saw her. seeing her in person was even better. she's short and she smells really good. her personality was different from his and she was nervous but she didn't leave dd's side once. their first kiss was the best kiss he ever had. she matched his energy and that's something he loves. their first sleepover was the best. dd learned he fell asleep easier and slept better whenever she was around. india is his safe place and he loves her. that's it.

"hey, mami," he greets his mom when he walks out of his room. his mom hasn't been home in a while because she's a doctor and she spends a lot of time at the hospital. "how was work?"

"it was good, mijo," she replies, smiling when dd gives her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. "i have a week break which means we can spend more time together. anyways, you have this glow. you look very happy."

"it's because i met someone," he tells her. "her name is india and she's the prettiest girl ever, mami. she makes me happy and i've been wanting to make her my girlfriend, i don't know how."

"you want to make who ya girlfriend?" his older sister melz asks when she comes out the living room with notti and his two older brothers, jay and jstar.

"who else?" notti snorts. "we all know who this nigga is whipped over."

"india?" jay asks and dd nods. "finally. i saw her post you on ig. talm bout some papi looks so cute when he sleeps."

melz and jstar laughs while dd just rolls his eyes and kisses his teeth.

"she's really pretty," melz compliments. "and she can dress. like what the fuck. you and her would look so cute together."

"y'know what. since y'all all here, help me plan a date. i'm tryna ask her to be my girlfriend. like officially." dd tells them.

"don't take her out to dinner," jay tells him. "dinner is like when ya barely know anything about each other. you and india hang around all the time. do a fun activity which ya both would like. some kid shit."

"you can take her to the arcade," jstar suggests. "i can drive ya there. it's really fun. mad games and shit and there's a food court near so ya can get some food or whatever."

"she would love the arcade. she's bout to start doing youtube and that can be her first vlog or whatever them niggas call it." dd says.

"so... arcade it is, david," his mom speaks up. "how you gonna ask her to be ya girlfriend?"

"she doesn't like big grand gestures. just the two of us would already be intimate, ya know?" dd tells them. "her and i can take a walk and i can just ask her. right? nun too much. i hope she says yes."

"nigga, she's in love witchu," notti laughs. "just like you love her, she loves you. of course she's gonna say yes."

"let me know the date and i can take y'all," jstar tells him.

dd smiles and nods. they haven't really met india yet but dd talks about her so much that they might as well know her. there's not one moment where they can have a conversation and he doesn't bring up india. to be honest, it's a reflex.

maybe this is how being in love feels like.

"how should i ask her?" dd asks notti when they go back to his room.

"are you serious?" notti looks at him with a blank face. "nigga just tell her ya taking her out. but ask her when she's free first and then go from there. tell her a date and time. it's dat simple.

𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔, dd osama.Where stories live. Discover now