Diane Livia Mebberson

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Diane(5 Hours Old), Fredrick(24), Olivia(24), Fredward(5), Zoey(1)

On February 11 of 1905, Fredrick and Olivia Mebberson welcomed their second daughter whom they named, Diane Livia Mebberson. She was the cutest and most beautiful baby girl ever, of course everyone adored the baby girl. Fredward and Zoey were so happy to meet their new baby sister. Fredward was holding Diane in his arms with Zoey next to him with her hand resting on the back of Diane's head with their parents kneeling right in front of them, Fredrick was next to Fredward while Olive was next to Zoey, smiling at their cute children. "Mama, I love Dieen!" Zoey squealed, looking at her mother.

Olivia sat down next to her and kissed her head.

"I'm glad, baby girl." She smiled.

"I now have the 2 cutest baby sisters ever." Fredward smiled.

Both parents awed at their son and awed again when Zoey gave Fredward a kiss on the cheek.

"Mama, when will you have another baby?" Fredward asked.

They chuckled at him.

"Sweetie, we just had a baby." Olivia smiled. "Soon, ok."

"Good!" Fredward smiled.

Again, they chuckled at him.

"I love you Diane." Fredward said before kissing her forehead.

Diane looks up at her big brother.

"Wanna give her a kiss, Zoey?" Fredward asked.

Zoey nods and leaned down to kiss her sister's head, making everyone awed at them.

"You two are going to be best big brother and sister to Diane." Fredrick tells them.

"I know!" Fredward smiled proudly.

Again, they chuckled at him while Fredrick ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry baby sis, I'll always protect you and Zoey." Fredward said to his baby sister. "No matter what." He kissed her head again.

"Awww, that is so sweet, baby!" Olivia cried.

She kissed his head as they continued to gush over the cute baby girl.

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