Chapter Twenty

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"So I have to bend the knee and publicly announce my support for Rhaenyra is that right?" Jeyne's voice echoed through her spacious throne room "why, pray tell, would I do that? Why should I side with you over the greens?"

"The queen has promised to aid your house in time of need, my lady" Adira held her hands behind her back as she spoke "and since you are her aunt, you share blood with-"

"I do not care about my blood running through her veins" Jeyne rolled her eyes "supporting Rhaenyra means dragging my men to war"

"There will be war regardless" Adira spoke louder to that the lady might hear her well "if you don't fight on our side you will be summoned to fight for Aegon. I understand you dislike me and I would go as far as to say you hate me because of the lands given to me instead of you after my mother passed"

"She was killed" Jeyne snapped "by your father-"

"That is a dangerous indictment, my lady" the princess looked menacingly at the older woman, not taking the accusation against her father lightly "I would advise you to not believe everything you hear so blindly. As for the matter regarding your allegiance, I would like to remind you that your would be swearing your loyalty to queen Rhaenyra, not to me so whatever resentment you have for me, I ask for you to not let that influence your decision"

"You are named ruler of the Vale" Jeyne leaned forward from her throne-like chair "aren't your men already in service to this queen of yours?"

"Well yes of course" Adira cleared her throat "but aren't things a lot easier to do with two hands rather than one? If, god forbid, there is a war, it'll be much easier won with both ladies of the Vale supporting the queen rather than just one"

"Some of my men are already busy guarding off the lands of farmers from this pagan lord who terrorise my people" the older women sighed in defeat "I shall pledge my support to Rhaenyra only after she helps me get rid of this monstrosity. I shall sail for Dragonstone and ask her to prove that she would aid me in time of need as I would then be doing for her. Only after this sad excuse of a thief is caught shall my men be in service of her"

"There isn't any time for that" Adira huffed in annoyance. There was the threat of war looming over their heads and this would be a major set back.

"Well are you going to kill this thing for me?"

"I- I swore an oath" Adira was taken aback by the request "I was sent as a messenger-"

"Oh quiet girl, I was only jesting" Jeyne pinched the bridge of her nose when Adira failed to understand that she wasn't being serious "I don't expect you to be able to put an end to this nuisance anyway. This man or monster or whatever he is, resides within the woods. I've been told he's almost six feet tall and the farmers say he's sharpened his teeth like that of a wolf's. He steals their sheep as pagan sacrifices and if anyone tries to stop him, he kills them right there with a single swing of his sword"

"You know where he resides, why isn't he found and killed yet?" Adira asked, confused by how incompetent her men were.

"The woods are vast and my men have often gotten lost or killed if they venture too deep" Jeyne explained as she got up from her seat "enough chatter. The guards will escort you to your chambers and you are welcome to stay for as long as you need while I leave for Dragonstone on the morrow to put forth my terms"

And with that the lady Jeyne Arryn left the throne room and retreated to her own chambers.

Adira could not find sleep. Her mind constantly reminded her of that pagan who terrorised the common folk.

While the Eyrie wasn't Adira's to look after, this murderous thief resided within the Vale. Once he was done reeking havoc here he might head closer to her lands. Not to mention this problem was turning into an obstacle with regards to why she was sent here: to gain a supporter for the queen.

She decided to go and have a look at this as soon as Lady Jeyne left for Dragonstone. The flight on dragonback was only a few hours as opposed to the route taken by sea. Which meant Adira would have enough time to take care of this pagan and reach home around the same time lady Arryn would.

The princess was slightly hesitant of course to take on this endeavour after she swore that she would not partake in any fight.

But she also made a promise to win over the support of the Arryns and that was far more important.

While Adira was awake with unrest, back in Kings landing even Aemond wasn't in the best of moods.

"This letter mentions a marriage alliance with me" Aemond told his mother, who was sat by the fire place.

"I know" she simple answered "it's quiet common to make such an offer when it comes to-"

"I am already betrothed mother" Aemond reminded as he folded the parchment in half.

"To the daughter of Daemon Targaryen" Alicent stood up "do you really think with all that is happening you will be marrying her still?"

"We made a promise to my father-"

"The king died Aemond" his mother snapped in frustration "and his wish for you both to wed died along with him"

"You would have me marry a Baratheon over a Targaryen?" Aemond slammed the paper on the table "is his support that necessary that I would have to thin my Targaryen blood by siring a child given to me by a Baratheon woman?"

"Do not speak to me of blood! You know as much as I, that you have no concern regarding that" the fire that glowed behind Alicent made her look even more menacing with her face contoured in rage "you have been blinded by your admiration for the princess. First it started with you defending every little thing she did when you were children, then you go beyond the wall, now you desire to take her as your wife knowing her step mother will strike at any given chance to take down Aegon and you"

"But did you not think of what might happen when you have me betrothed to another when it was already decided that I should wed her" Aemond raised his voice too "this marriage is the only alliance you could hope for between our two families, take that away and all you do is give them another reason to turn against us"

"Times have changed, it's time you start to think about yourself and your family only instead of what consequence the others might face. They have turned on us regardless. Don't think your marriage to her would be an appeasing gesture" Alicent sank back down into her chair "we are in a kill or be killed situation and you need to tell me right now who's side are you on"

The prince would of course stand with his family but at the same time this meant having to make the sacrifice of letting go of Adira.

He knew he'd mentioned earlier that he would never fight for her hand but now he found himself thinking differently about that. He would do everything in his power to avoid a war just so that he may wed Adira and spend the rest of his life with someone who he genuinely cared for.

Yet, the reality of the situation was, there was very little he could do since his brother had already ascended the throne.

Aemond sighed in annoyance as he stormed out the room, begrudgingly taking on the task of being an envoy for his mother and king brother.

AEMOND TARGARYEN//𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘✔️Where stories live. Discover now