Chapter Two

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It had been years since Adira had seen her father.

She didn't think the next time she'd see him would be at his late wife's funeral. His most recent late wife. Adira didn't hate Laena nor did she truly hate her father. She was deeply upset however that he'd left her at king's landing while he was living his own seperate life with his new family. What made them so special? Special enough that he didn't mind living with them as opposed to him distancing himself from her.

She'd been eyeing him from afar but ran off each time she saw him approaching her.

She pretended to talk to Jace and then Luke and then ran off to Rhaenyra.

"What's wrong, who are you running away from?" the princess asked as she looked around discreetly.

"what makes you say that?" the young girl mumbled as she stared off into the distance, momentarily getting lost in the scenic view of the waves crashing against the rocks "i just wanted to be in your company"

"Well I do appreciate you wanting to spend some time with me" Rhaenyra smiled "the same way you wanted Luke and Jace's company i suppose? I did happen to notice you running around needing a companion at all times, almost as if to avoid conversation with someone, if I'm not mistaken"

Adira stayed quiet. Over the years Rhaenyra had taken on a very motherly role toward her. And even though she loved the princess to death, she didn't always like it when her motherly instincts kicked in and observed her every move. And accurately too.

"Have you spoken to your father?"


"Ah so its him you're avoiding"

Again, silence.

"How about you go and talk to your step sisters instead" Rhaenyra gently placed a hand on her shoulder "they could use some sympathy"

"They had a mother and my father their whole lives" Adira snapped in a hushed voice "I'm pretty sure they can handle this without a word or two from me"

Rhaenyra sighed in defeat before taking the girl's hand in her "alright, stick with me for a while. You're excused to go to your chambers later if you wish"

Adira gently squeezed her hand "thank you"

"but you will have to talk to him eventu-"

"I meant for being a part of my life" the girl smiled "for staying"

Rhaenyra didn't know how to respond. She hugged the girl and placed a gentle kiss atop her head.


Adira excused herself when she saw Daemon looking their way. she walked toward a fire pit, close to where Laena's daughters were alongside their grandmother.

She stared at the flames for a few seconds, observing how the flames danced atop the coal.

Aemond made his way over to the fire pit too. The boy didn't really know what to say so he just offered her a soft smile.

Adira didn't really expect this. She stared at him with confusion, not fully acknowledging him. She was so consumed with her thoughts on avoiding a certain someone that she wasn't fully present in that moment.

The boy's smile slowly faded when he saw her cold expression remained constant. He awkwardly looked down before turning to walk away.

It took Adira not more than a minute to remember that she didn't want to be seen alone, even if it meant having to put up with the young prince. The last thing she wanted was for her father to use that opportunity to try and talk to her. She didn't need to hear his fake remorse, if he even had any.

"Aemond" the girl tugged on his cloak, making him stop to turn and face her again

This was probably the first time in years he'd heard her call his name.

"would you like to take a walk?"

In that moment Aemond was skeptical that the girl drank a few glasses of wine. Maybe Aegon was starting to influence her a bit too much.

"Im Aemond" he said while holding eye contact.

"I know" the girl tilted her head in confusion "I just said your name"

"Im the same boy you enjoy making fun of with the others" he went on "the one you gifted a pig to"

"we were just teasing" Adira looked at her feet, hoping to hold the conversation "I won't do it again"

Aemond didn't respond. This was new. The girl took his arm and ushered him away. He didn't recall agreeing to go on that walk but it didn't seem like Adira was asking at that point.

There was silence for a good amount of time.

Neither of them had ever had a normal conversation before so they didn't quite know what to say if it wasn't an insult.

"T-That's a loverly dress" the boy tried

Adira looked down at what she was wearing, as if she'd forgotten what she had on. It was a simple black dress with silver border at the at the edge of the skirt and sleeves. Nothing too fancy.

"Thankyou" she replied briskly while she tried to think of something else to say "that's a nice cloak"

"I've worn this before" the boy nonchalantly said

"Oh" Adira looked away awkwardly "I mean yes I knew that, I just never got to tell you before"

"Thankyou then" the boy didn't really know what to say "I suppose"

Silence followed again and this time Adira burst into a fit of giggles. Aemond looked at her like she was mental but hearing her laugh made him chuckle too.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

For a moment his smile faltered. What if this was just another prank they were all orchestrating? Maybe she would walk him through the halls, out to the gardens and this time they would all feed him to a dragon.

"We're terrible at this" the girl managed to say in between her giggling "talking I mean"

"Agreed" the prince smiled warmly at her.

The two didn't really manage to hold a proper conversation the entire time. One of them would say the most random thing and the other would respond to it awkwardly, resulting in the both of them laughing.

Once the sun set completely over the horizon and the servants were done lighting the candles in the castle, Adira excused herself and took her leave.

Maybe Aemond wasn't that bad after all. If he worked on his arrogance, he'd be a joy to talk to.

Adira jumped on to her bed and lied down flat on her back before stretching her arms above her head. She wasn't sure if she wanted to mention about her and Aemond's walk through the castle to Jace and Luke. She didn't want them to exclude her because of it. Maybe once Aemond started acting nice around the others as well, they'd warm up to him. But then again she remembered all the times he'd called her a bastard or the 'unwanted child' that daemon left behind.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Aemond is so confusing"

Few minutes passed as silence surrounded her. And before she knew it, she dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

AEMOND TARGARYEN//𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘✔️Where stories live. Discover now