Chapter Sixteen

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"What do you mean it just happened Ria?"

"I mean it just happened!"

After Adira returned back to her quarters, she headed straight to Jace and Luke to tell them about her decision on agreeing to the match with Aemond.

As expected, the boys did not like the sound of it at all.

"You agreed to marry him and then kissed him, how does that just happen?" Jace was pacing around the room "I took you to be the smart one. And where were you all morning?"

"Shut up Jace" Adira huffed in annoyance, refusing to answer the latter part of what he'd said. Adira and Aemond had travelled a great distance and did not make it back in time to cover up for their absence "you know this is the best match by far. It would keep our house-"

"Since when did that become your priority?" Jace turned to look at his half-sister, no longer interested in her whereabouts "what about you wanting someone who would genuinely care for you?"

"He does care-"

"You can't possibly just take his word for it" Luke chimed in "honestly, when was the last time he actually showed you he cared?"

"Boys" Adira pinched the bridge of her nose, not wanting to deal with this after such a long night "I also agreed to the marriage to hopefully put an end to this hatred you all have for each other"

"You don't have to do this for us" the young prince stood up from his chair, frustrated that Aemond was going to wed Adira who Luke mostly referred to as his sister "marry whoever you want"

"Well what if I want to wed him?" Adira asked the two boys who were making a fuss about this.

"He only wants to marry you because of your titles" Luke tried to convince her "think about it, he's got no claim to anything as of yet, while you are heir and lady of Runestone"

"I thought you both would be a little bit understanding"

"Us?" Jace raised his voice "you agreed to marry that-"

"Princess Adira"

The children looked toward the doorway from where the person who interrupted their conversation stood.

"You are summoned by your step mother" Criston informed, momentarily glancing toward her brothers.

Adira smoothed out her dress and followed the knight, leaving her brothers behind to discuss amongst themselves their disappointment in her.

The girl tried her best to match her steps with that of the knight, who seemed to be in a hurry to reach the king's study.

Criston opened one of the large doors for her and ushered for her to go in while he stayed at his post and closed the door once she had entered the room.

Adira thought she was summoned so that Rhaenyra might remind her yet again of the king's wish for her to wed as soon as possible and about their return back to Dragonstone later on that same day.

And yet, to her surprise, Queen Alicent was present along with, Rhaenyra and Daemon.

Aemond too, was sitting on a chair close to a bookshelf and exactly opposite from where the other adults stood. He got up when Adira entered the room, his shoulders tense. He offered her a smile before turning back to look at their parents who seemed to not be in the best mood.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Rhaenyra questioned, her voice stern yet her face betraying her tone by showing how concerned she was.

"About what?" Adira had a hunch but didn't want to assume.

"You went beyond the wall did you not?" Rhaenyra raised her voice "what could've possessed you to do so?"

"We didn't?" Aemond decided to be oblivious, hoping Adira would follow his lead.

"Oh is that it then?" Alicent chuckled as a form of mockery "what's this then?"

The queen held up a paper torn from a book; on it was the map of the realm on which there were markings showing a route from the red keep to castle black.

Aemond sighed.

"I visited your chamber early this morning to find you gone and this particular page at you dresser that's been ripped out from one of your geography books" Alicent crumpled the paper in frustration "how could you be so reckless"

"Did you not once stop to think of what you and your Prince were doing before you decided to put your lives at risk?" Daemon took a step forward and even though he was talking to Adira, he constantly kept his murderous gaze fixated on Aemond "there is a reason it is forbidden to go beyond-"

"But we're fine" Adira rolled her eyes, not knowing why they were making such a big fuss about this "we just went on a whim-"

"A whim" Daemon sneered before turning to Aemond "you stay the fuck away from her. I don't give a shit if you fly off the edge of the world but you carry on your life threatening expeditions by yourself and leave Adira out of it"

"I certainly find it fitting that you'd be the one asking me to leave Adira" Aemond spoke snidely "you'd know best of course after you left her and took off for pretty much her entire life"

"Losing an eye wasn't enough I suppose, you seem to be eager to lose your tongue as well" Daemon took a step forward but Rhaenyra held his upper arm to avoid him straying away from the situation at hand.

"You both are royalty" Rhaenyra tried to explain "your lives are worth so much more than anyone else's in the realm"

"I understand in your youth you'd have this lust for adventure but you need to take into account the question of your status" Alicent added "I expected a lot more from you Aemond"

"Apologies mother" the boy averted his gaze to the ground momentarily "I shall be a bit more understanding and considerate of where I wish to spend time with my betrothed"

"What" Daemond asked with the most disgust he could muster into his voice. Alicent too was stood there, confused while Rhaenyra's gaze shifted from Aemond to Adira.

"I have accepted Prince Aemond's proposal" Adira fidgeted with the edges of her sleeves "the king would be rather pleased to hear this"

"Your father is not" Daemon snapped "I'd rather see you married to a Bolton than to a man who sees it fit to take my daughter beyond the wall"

"Your daughter now is she?" Aemond smirked "interesting, I suppose you forgot she was your daughter for the previous nineteen years"

"Get out now!"

Adira and Aemond quickly made their way to the doors and out before Daemon could lose his temper anymore than he already had.

"You're an absolute idiot" Adira whisper yelled once the both of them were at a distance from the study.

"Me? What did I even do?" Aemond was taken aback.

"You ripped out a map to castle black and left it on your dresser?" Adira was doing that thing again where she waved her arms when she was tensed "why did you leave it there?"

"I didn't know mother would see it" Aemond defended himself "what was I even supposed to do with that map? Eat it?"

"Stop talking" Adira sighed.

"Your father took news of our engagement well" the prince chuckled "too soon to assume I have his blessing?"

"I could say the same about your mother" Adira rolled her eyes "she's not as vocal but she's not very good at hiding her disappointment either"

The two continued to playfully bicker about how Aemond was daft enough to leave out a piece of paper that had a clear indication of where they were headed and how most of their family didn't quiet like the idea of them being wed. They continued bantering, enjoying whatever time they had before Adira left while the other adults were engaged in a much different conversation.

AEMOND TARGARYEN//𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘✔️Where stories live. Discover now