Chapter 19

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Colby's POV:

I then sobbed into my hands as I fell to my knees. "Colby, please let us help you?" I look up to see Devyn crouching down next to me. "Please, Colby tell us what happened?" I then shook my head as I looked down. I suddenly tensed up as I felt arms wrap around me. I look to see Devyn hugging me tightly. I then hugged her tight as I sobbed into her arms.

"Do you want to go home?" she asked me while rubbing my back. I nodded my head as I sniffled. "Do you want Sam to carry you?" Devyn asked me. I shook my head as I was scared to be touched at the moment. "Ok, do you want any of the guys to carry you?" she asked once again. I once again shook my head no. "Do you want to walk to Sam's car?" she asked me. I slowly nodded my head as I let go of her.

We then walked to their cars and I lay in Sam's car in the backseat. The car ride home was very silent and all I could do was silently cry as I lay down. Once we got to my house, I then ran all the way to my room, sat on my bed, and hugged my knees. "Bubba, please tell us what happened?" Jake asked. I didn't say anything but hugged my knees even tighter as tears silently slipped down my face.

"Colby, can I ask you something?" Elton asked. I slowly nodded my head. "I'm really hoping I'm wrong about what I'm going to ask. But Colby...were you...raped?" Elton asked me. My eyes widened as I realized that he knew. "Colby, were you?" he asked again. Feeling defeated, I slowly nodded my head as I looked down. I then looked up after hearing a few gasps. I saw everyone's mouths wide open. Devyn however, held a hand to her mouth as she now had teary eyes. Sam, on the other hand, had his hands in fists as he was now angry.

Seeing him made me whimper in fear. Noticing, Sam calmed down and looked at me. "Who was it sunshine?" Sam asked me. I opened my mouth as I was about to say who when I remembered Luke's warning. "I-I don't know," I sadly replied. Before anyone could say anything else, my mom entered my room.

Third Person POV:

"Oh, thank goodness, you're ok," Mrs.Brock said as she hugged Colby tightly. Colby then hugged her back and sobbed into her chest."Colbaby, please tell me what happened?" "I-I" Colby began but was cut off by a sob. "I-I was raped, momma!" Colby told her as Colby sobbed into her chest.

"Oh, my poor baby. I'm sorry that happened to you," Mrs.Brock said as she sniffled. "If only I would've listened to you and not sent you to school, none of this would've happened." "It wasn't your fault Mrs.Brock," Sam told her. "Sam's right ma'am, you didn't know this was going to happen," Devyn said. "Now Colby, just remember, what happened to you is not your fault." "I-it's not?" Colby asked. "No Colby, it's not. You didn't deserve this, now please tell us who it was so that the person who did this to you gets punished," Devyn replied. "I-I can't say," Colby replied. That night, Sam stayed the night so he could keep an eye on Colby.

Next Day

Colby was at his locker getting his things for first-period when "sup Colleen." Colby's eyes widened as he turned to see Luke smirking. Immediately Colby began shaking in pure fear. "P-Please leave me alone!" Colby begged as his eyes filled with tears."Not going to happen clumsy," Hazel said as she and the rest of Colby's bullies came and surround him. "Leave Him Alone!" they all look to see Sam and the gang. "Whatever, see you later loser," Luke said as he mouthed out 'remember.'

Time Skip

Fourth-period had just ended and Colby had just put his things away when his locker was slammed shut. Colby shakily turned to see his bullies waiting for him. Colby was then thrown to the floor as they took turns beating him up. Colby was kicked, slapped, and punched all over. His pastel pink hoodie was also ripped to shreds. "Hey, Get The Fuck Away From Him!" Immediately the beatings stopped as everyone saw Sam and the gang. Colby got up and ran toward Sam and clutched onto him. "See you later, clumsy," Hazel said as they left. "Sunshine, are you ok?" Sam asked. Colby nodded his head. Colby right then and there couldn't take it anymore and decided to tell them the truth. "Luke was the one that raped me," Colby said. Everyone gasped as their eyes widened.

"What?!" Sam asked as his hands were turned into fists. "Luke was the one that raped me yesterday," Colby repeated as his eyes filled with tears. "After school, we're going to the police station to denounce him," Sam said. But what they didn't know was that Luke heard everything.

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