Chapter 16

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Sam's POV:

Moments later, "hey guys, is it me, or is Colby taking a long time?" I asked them. "You're right Sam he's never this late," Elton added. "Come on let's go find him," I told them. We first went to the bathroom where Colby was beaten up but he wasn't there. We then went to the closet where he was attacked by Hazel but he wasn't there either.

We then all ran to the bleachers hoping he was there. Throughout the whole time we were searching, I kept hoping and praying that he was ok. Even though deep down I was scared that he was probably getting hurt somewhere.

Colby's POV:

After what felt like forever, they finally stopped, so I sat on my knees and fearfully looked up at them. "Do you actually think we're done?" Hazel cackled. "Oh clumsy, this is just the beginning." My eyes widened as I saw Luke holding a metal bat. "Let's play ball," he smirked. Immediately everyone laughed as I was, possibly, getting beaten to death.

As I kept getting hit, I suddenly felt my vision blur as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I then felt myself lie down just as I got hit on the side of my head. "P-please stop," I faintly begged as I faintly looked at them. "Oh shut up," Luke said as he hit me on the side of my head with the bat again. The next thing I knew, my body fell limp as everything around me went black.

Third Person POV:

As soon as Luke knocked Colby out cold, they all casually left as if nothing happened. Moments later, Sam and the gang all ran to the bleachers only for them to stare in horror as they saw a now beaten-up Colby lying unconscious in a small pool of his own blood.

"Oh God, Colby!" Sam yelled as he went to check on him. To his relief, Colby had a pulse. "Corey, Devyn, go get Principal Gomez!" Sam demanded. Immediately, Corey and Devyn ran to get Principal Gomez. Sam picked Colby up and held him in his arms. "Colby? Colby, wake up please!" Sam cried as he slightly shook him.

Suddenly, Colby's eyes slowly fluttered open. "S-Sam?" Colby asked as he coughed out blood. "Sunshine, what happened?" Sam asked him. But before Colby could answer, he fell unconscious again. "Oh, good god what happened?!" Principal Gomez asked as she arrived with Corey and Devyn.

"Principal Gomez, please call an ambulance!" Sam begged as tears were now slipping down his face. Principal Gomez immediately called 911 and moments later an ambulance came. The entire school saw Colby getting rushed to the hospital. Some students seemed concerned while some aka Luke, Hazel, and their friends were hoping that if Colby were to live, he didn't snitch on them.

Meanwhile, Sam called Mrs.Brock and told her everything. Mrs.Brock even allowed Principal Gomez permission to give him access to ride with Colby to the hospital. Principal Gomez even allowed Elton and the gang permission to leave school early to be with Colby. Moments later they finally arrived at the hospital where Colby was taken to urgent care.

Sam's POV:

Moments later, Mrs.Brock rushed in and ran toward me. "Oh Sam, please tell me what happened?" she asked me. "I-I don't know Mrs.Brock. Colby didn't show up to lunch so we went to look for him. By the time we found him, he was already beaten up and unconscious," I explained. Mrs.Brock put a hand to her mouth as she gasped. "I do have a feeling that Luke, Hazel, and their friends did this. Since they're the ones who bully Colby."

"Anyone here for Cole Brock?" a female doctor asked as she walked into the waiting room. We all got up and quickly walked toward her. "We're here for Cole," I responded. "Ok are his parents here?" she asked. "Yes, I'm here. I'm his mother Lesa Brock," Mrs.Brock answered. "Is Cole ok doctor?" Elton asked. "Fortunately yes, he did however receive stitches due to the harsh beating he got on the side of his head," The doctor replied. "Can we see him?" I asked. "Of course, follow me."

After some time of following the doctor, we finally made it to Colby's room. "Alright, here we are now I'm going to check on other patients so please call me if anything," she informed us. "Got it," I responded. Once she left, I opened the door and Colby was sitting there looking out the window. "Sunshine!" I called as I happily ran up to him and gently hugged him. "Sam!" he softly replied as he hugged me back.

Soon enough everyone came and gently hugged him. "Oh, Colbaby, thank goodness you're ok," Mrs.Brock said as she gently hugged him while placing a kiss on his forehead. "Sunshine, please tell us, what happened?" I asked him. "N-Nothing," he quietly responded while looking down and fiddling with his fingers. "Sunshine, please tell us," I begged. "I can't," Colby replied as tears slipped down his face. "Was it Luke, Hazel, and their friends?" Elton asked him. Colby just sat there not saying anything. "Colby, was it them?" Devyn asked him.

Again Colby denied everything by shaking his head no. Moments later, the doctor came and told us that Colby was able to leave tomorrow morning. Afterward, we all decided to split up. Mrs.Brock was going home so she can rest for work while Jake and I would ask to stay the night with Colby. While Elton and the gang were going to go home so they can call Principal Gomez so they can have permission to stay home with me and Colby.

Colby's POV:

Sam and Jake left with my mom to get me some clothes for tomorrow. I was looking out the window when I heard the door to my room open. So I turned around thinking it was Sam and Jake but my eyes widened as I saw Luke and Hazel walking my way. "Please, Leave Me Alone!" I yelled as I then tried to press the red help button but I was pushed back by Luke.

"Listen here loser," Luke said as he released his grip on me. "You better not tell about what happened or else!" " 'Cause if you do, then we'll make your life a living hell!" Hazel threatened. "Understood?" I then nodded my head as my eyes filled with fear. "Good, can't wait to play with you when you get back," Luke smirked. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I then look to see Sam and Jake angrily looking at Luke and Hazel.

"We just came to see Colleen here," Luke replied with a grin on his face. "Get Out!" Sam and Jake shouted in unison. "Whatever, see you at school Colleen," Luke smirked as he and Hazel walked out. After they left, I then broke down. I then cried into my hands. "Baby, are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Sam asked me. "I-I'm fine," I quietly responded. Sam right away hugged me as he began saying sweet nothings to me.

The next day I was discharged and as soon as I got changed, the guys and I hung out at the mall. We then got lunch as Sam and the guys were telling jokes. Later that day, we went to my house and watched videos on YouTube. Although my friends were trying their best to cheer me up, I couldn't stop thinking about what Hazel and Luke would do to me.

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