Chapter 8

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Time Skip

Colby's POV:

It was now lunchtime and I was putting away my things in my locker when, "Hey clumsy, I mean Colleen," my eyes widened as I turned to see Hazel. "Leave me alone," I told her. She just chuckled evilly at me. "Only if you break up with Sam," she told me. "H-How did you?" I was cut off. "Trust me I always know about the latest gossip," she grinned at me.

"Now break up with Sam or I'll tell the entire school that you're sleeping with him so you can lose your virginity," she taunted. "T-that's not true," I replied. "Doesn't matter" she taunted me."Besides, he deserves someone better than you." "O-ok I'll do it," I replied as tears filled my eyes. "Perfect," Hazel smirked as she walked away.

I then looked down as a single tear slipped down my face. "Hey babe what's wrong?" I then looked up to see Sam and the gang with worried looks on their faces. I tried my best to hold in my tears as I looked at them. "I-I'm sorry b-but I have no choice," I replied with sadness in my voice. "What do you mean, what are you talking about?" Sam asked me.

"I-I'm..I'm breaking up with you," I replied. "What?" Sam asked. "I-I'm sorry," I replied as I ran away towards the bleachers. Once I got to the bleachers, I then sat down and hugged my knees, and sobbed. I then looked up as I heard footsteps. "Hey look, it's Colleen the crybaby," Luke taunted as his friends laughed at me. "Please, leave me alone!" I begged. They just laughed as they began to beat me up. All I could do was cover my head and face the best I could as tears slipped down my face.

Sam's POV:

"What was that about?" Devyn asked. "I don't know but I'm going to find out," I replied. "Come on." We then went outside to the field only to hear laughter coming from the bleachers. We all rushed to the bleachers to find Luke and his friends beating up poor Colby.

"Get The Fuck Away From Him!" I shouted as my hands were now in fists. "If it isn't the crybaby's boyfriend," Luke smirked. I was about to beat him up when I was held back. "Go get Colby Sam, we got this," Elton replied as he, Corey, and Jake all went to fight Luke and his friends. I then ran up to Colby and held him in my arms.

"Colby? Colby are you ok?" I asked him. "S-Sam?" Colby replied as he suddenly fell unconscious. "Colby?!" I yelled as I tried shaking him awake but to no avail. I then got up and carried him in my arms. I turn to see Luke and his friends gone. "I'll talk to you guys later!" I yelled as I ran to the nurse's office. Once I got to the nurse's office, she right away checked him and told me that he was going to be fine.

Colby's POV:

I slowly fluttered my eyes open as I slowly sat up. I realized I was at the nurse's office. "Woah, slow down there tiger," I turned to see Sam softly smiling at me. "S-Sam what are you doing here you can't be seen with me," I sadly replied. "Colby, why did you break up with me?" Sam asked. "I can't say," I whispered as I looked down. "Colby look at me," Sam said as he gently lifted my head so I could look at him. "Tell me what's going on."

My eyes filled with tears as I looked at him. "Hazel found out about us dating and wanted me to break up with you. When I asked how she knew, she told me it didn't matter and that if I didn't break up with you, she was going to tell the entire school that I'm only dating you so that I can lose my virginity and that you deserve someone better than me," I replied as tears were now slipping down my face.

Sam then cupped my face as he looked into my eyes. "Colby, I don't need someone better because you're all I'll ever need. I have loved you since the first day I met you. Don't you trust me?" Sam asked, reminding me of when he asked if I trusted him before we kissed. "Of course, I trust you," I softly replied. "So will you please take me back?" Sam asked me as he wiped away my tears. I then softly smiled as I nodded my head. Sam smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss as I kissed back.

Throughout the rest of the day, nobody else bothered me. Except that Hazel kept sending me death glares all day. After school, Sam and I spent the whole day together. After we did our homework, we cuddled and watched movies. Sam even helped me make dinner. I was very happy to be with him. "Sam?" I said. "Yeah?" Sam asked. "I love you," I told him. "I love you too my angel," Sam replied as he smiled at me.

Third Person POV:

The next day, Colby was at his locker when he was aggressively shoved to the floor. Colby looked up to see Hazel towering over him. "I've warned you," Hazel threatened as she kicked poor Colby. Hazel then grabbed a fistful of Colby's hair and aggressively slammed him against his locker. Hazel then slapped Colby across the face twice.

"Hazel!" Both Hazel and Colby looked to see Sam walking their way. Hazel scoffed as she walked away. "Colby, are you ok?" Sam asked as he stood in front of him. Colby nodded his head as he fiddled with the sleeves of his pastel pink hoodie. Once Colby got his things, both he and Sam walked to class.

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