Um... Hi 😅

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It's been a while, hasn't it?

First off, I'm gonna apologize to those who've requested and haven't had that request fulfilled. (I know you're probably getting tired of me apologizing for that but I'm gonna do it anyway)

Here's a little rundown on why I've been gone so long!

I recently started a new full-time job at a daycare! I still work at the theater I was working at, I'm just seasonal. I work 9:30-6:30 so I don't have much free time and what free time I do have I've been spending with my partners. I want to get back into writing so hopefully I can do that soon!


I have made a recent discovery...

I've found out (with the help of an awesome friend) that I'm a caregiver/little!

That's probably everything new for now!

Hope to post some oneshots soon!

Much love,
Wren <3

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