💖Unconditional💖 || Yutaetaro

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⚠️TW transphobia, dysmorphia⚠️
Requested by Namjoonscrabs69 hope you enjoy!

    Taeyong is trans.
    His family is supportive and has helped him transition as much as they could. This included top surgery and testosterone, bottom surgery a whole other story. See, before Taeyong could get bottom surgery he became a trainee, so it wasn't possible to do so without drawing suspicion.
    Taeyong loathes the fact that he still has his bottom half, some days worse than others. This included today, a nightmare pressing on as the little one tried to sleep. It was one of the worst he's ever had.

    Taeyong opened the door to the dorm, a strange feeling in the air. Walking into the living room, he was met with hushed whispers, his caregivers Yuta and Shotaro sitting on the couch exchanging just that. When they noticed Taeyong, who smiled, happy to see them, their expressions changed.
    "What are you still doing here?" Shotaro said, venom lacing his voice. "What do you mean? I don't-" "You aren't male. Why are you still in the group? We don't want you here. You can take you and your little space elsewhere," Yuta said. Tears raced down Taeyong's cheeks as he tried to make sense of what was happening.
    "What's happening?" he cried. "What, you thought we'd still want you around after we found out? We can deal with the little space, though we don't want to, you thinking you are something you're not is a no-go. I mean, it's bad enough you act like a child!" Taeyong's legs gave out, the little falling to the floor, sobs wracking through his small frame.
    He wanted his caregivers to hold him, to say it was some cruel joke. But as he looked up at them he saw nothing short of disgust, malice, and resentment in their eyes. "I'm sorry!" Taeyong wailed. "I'm so, so sorry! I'll change! I'll do whatever you want! Just please don't make me leave! Don't make me all alone!"

    Shooting up, Taeyong was met with the feeling of intense dysmorphia, tears coming to his eyes. A knock at the door, however, scared his tears away. "Taeyong, love, are you up?" It was Yuta. "I'm up," Taeyong called, hiding the fact that he felt like crying. Yuta entered the room, going to sit on the edge of the little's bed. "Good morning! How are you?"
    "I'm good." Yuta looked closely at Taeyong's face. "Are you sure? Your eyes look sad," the caregiver pointed out. Everything in Taeyong screamed at him not to do this. The gentle look in Yuta's eyes, however, was starting to convince him otherwise. The two sat in silence while the little one had a battle with himself.
    "No, I'm not good... Can you go get Taro, please? There's something I have to tell you guys..." Yuta looked worried but the look his little gave him made him go find his fellow caregiver. Taking deep breaths, Taeyong waited and tried to prepare himself. He'd thought about this moment about a million times, scenarios running through his head.
    Staring at the floor, the little one didn't notice his caregivers enter the room. "Hey there Yongie, Yuta here said you have something to tell us?" Taeyong snapped out of his daze at the sound of Shotaro's voice. He could feel his body starting to shake. "Yeah. The problem is, I don't know how to say it," he said, his voice unstable.
    "Is it something bad?" Yuta asked, worried. "Well," Taeyong started, "That depends on your definition of bad..." Seeing that their little was struggling, the caregivers went and sat down on either side of him, each taking hold of one of Taeyong's hands. "You know you can tell us anything, right? We won't love you any less." Shotaro said.
    Taeyong saw nothing but sincerity in his caregiver's eyes. He could feel his heart beating in his throat, his hands were sweaty and shaking, tears coming to his eyes. "I-" His voice cracked, the little one took a deep breath. "I'm trans," he whispered, just loud enough for the others to hear. Taeyong waited for the revelation to sink in, for his caregivers to change.
    "Oh wow..." Yuta said. The little let his tears fall as he tightened his hold on his caregivers' hands. "Please don't leave me alone! I promise I'm still the Taeyong you love!" he exclaimed as he looked from Yuta to Shotaro. He watched as his caregivers shared a look, his worry eating him alive. "Taeyong," Shotaro started. The boy in question didn't have the heart to look either caregiver in the eye.
    "Please look at me, love," Shotaro said gently. Taeyong slowly looked up, tears racing down his rosy cheeks as he met eyes with his caregiver. Shotaro recognized the look in his eyes, knowing the little one had slipped. "I believe I already said it, and I think I speak for the both of us when I say; We don't love you any less. You're still our little boy.
    The Taeyong we love."
    It was as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders, Taeyong breaking out into loud cries. "Thank you!" he said, sobbing hard. Yuta and Shotaro wrapped their arms around Taeyong as he cried, letting him get everything he had bottled up for so long out. The little kept thanking them, relief causing him to cry more than anything else.
    "There's no reason to thank us. We love you unconditionally Yongie, okay?" Yuta said. Taeyong nodded, wiping his tears. It felt great to have gotten that off his chest. "I love you both." His caregivers smiled. "We love you too." And, for the rest of the day, the three cuddled and watched movies, Shotaro and Yuta never leaving Taeyong's side.

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