💖Alone💖 || Jungwoo x 127

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Requested by niahmariec sorry for the really long wait!

    Jungwoo hates being alone. He despises it, knowing fully well that it makes him feel horrible and scared. When Jungwoo feels scared and horrible he feels little. Little Jungwoo was still a secret, hidden away from the other members of 127, the others oblivious. That's why today was probably the worst day to be hiding being a little.
    Jungwoo was alone.
    Mark, Johnny, and Jaehyun had gone out to do something in the studio, Taeyong and Doyoung were grocery shopping, and Yuta, Taeil, and Donghyuck were stuck doing some extra practice for the next hour. Jungwoo, who'd stayed up late to be little and relax a bit, had woken up late; too late to join anyone on their adventures.
    Waking up to an empty house was slightly terrifying to Jungwoo. His fear faded a little when he checked his phone to see messages about where everyone was. Then, he realized he was alone for at least another hour. That brought the fear straight back. Deciding against bothering anyone, the little one chose to wait it out instead.
    He could feel his headspace creeping up on him, trying to take over due to the fear and overall bad feeling he had. "No Jungwoo, they're gonna be back soon," the little said to himself. Jungwoo pressed the heels of his hands to his temples to suppress his oncoming headache. Closing his eyes, he stood completely still for a couple of seconds before moving.
    No sooner had Jungwoo taken about two steps had his phone started ringing. Seeing it was Taeyong, a spark of hope bloomed in his chest. "Hello?" he spoke into the phone. "Hey Jungwoo, just calling to let you know that everyone's headed home. Hyuck, Yuta, and Taeil are being let out early." A small smile made its way onto the little one's face.
    "Okay!" he responded, the two talking for a moment more before ending the call. Jungwoo still felt a bit scared and bad but he was almost convinced that he wouldn't slip. Almost. A sudden banging on the front door had the little flinching hard, eyes wide in fear. There were some muffled shouts but he was too far from the door to make out what they were saying.
    Running to his room, the little one got on his bed and under his overs, slipping quickly and letting his tears fall. After a few seconds, the banging stopped. Instead, the sound of the door opening was heard. This had Jungwoo's mind coming up with all kinds of scenarios, all bad. The regressed boy held a hand to his mouth to muffle his cries.
    At the voice of Donghyuck, Jungwoo quickly sat up. Looking at the doorway with his tear-stained face, the little saw Donghyuck, Yuta, Taeil, Taeyong, and Doyoung all standing there with worried faces. "Are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?" Forgetting for just a second that the others didn't know about his headspace was all it took.
    "Somebody was bangin' on the door! 'M scared!"
    Just then, Mark, Johnny, and Jaehyun appeared. "Hey, what's going on here?" Johnny asked. The others were confused, trying to make out why their friend was talking like he was. "Um-" "Somebody came to the door! Was bangin' on it and it was scary!" When no one said anything, Jungwoo realized.
    Face gaining color and tears building fast, the little shoved his face in his blanket. "Hey, Jungwoo?" He refused to look up. "Jungwoo, can you explain what's going on?" Shaking his head, the closeted little buried his face even deeper into the safety of his blanket. "Why not?" It was a genuine question, not mean in any way, but scared Jungwoo regardless.
    "'Cause! You're gonna think 'm weird! An' hate me! An' then I be all alone and I don't like being all alone!" Taeyong, seeming to have at least some understanding of what was happening, softened his gaze as much as possible and walked over. "Jungwoo? Can you look at me, please?" he asked, gently laying a hand on the little's shoulder.
    As he slowly looked up at the older, Jungwoo's face broke their hearts. His cheeks were flushed and tear-stained, eyes red and puffy, and he kept sniffling to keep the snot from running down his face as well. "I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to hear me," Taeyong said, cupping the younger's face and wiping stray tears with his thumbs.
    "Jungwoo, we could never hate you. You're a part of this family, and families stick together. We have each others' backs. Whatever is going on, you can tell us! We promise to keep open minds and try our best to understand. Right, guys?" Nods and words of agreement went around the room. Looking around, Jungwoo saw nothing but sincerity in his group mates' eyes.
    "Okay..." Taking a shaky breath, the little one started explaining to the best of his abilities what being a little means. Once he was finished, he wouldn't meet anyone's eyes, choosing to pick at his nails instead. Noticing this, Johnny came over and gently took the little's hands in his. "Jungwoo?" Looking up, Jungwoo hummed in reply.
    "This doesn't change our love for you. You know that, right?"
    Tearing up once more, Jungwoo threw himself onto Johnny, hugging him tightly. "Thank you!" he cried out, tears of happiness cascading down his cheeks. "I do have a question though," Doyoung chimed in. When Jungwoo was calmed down again, the older continued. "Do you have a caregiver? You briefly mentioned littles needing a caregiver."
    Everyone noticed the sadness that flooded Jungwoo's eyes. "No... But it's okay! 'M okay with that." He smiled but his eyes told a different story. "Well, I don't know, maybe we could try?" Sounds of agreement went around the room as a special sparkle found their way into Jungwoo's eyes. "Really? You promise?
    Cross your heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye?"
    Jungwoo looked so excited and hopeful that it put smiles on the others' faces. "We promise." The little one smiled brightly, happier than he'd been in a while. "You're not gonna leave me all alone, right?" The question had a hint of fright in it.
    "Not if we can help it."

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