💖Candy💖 || Renhyuck

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  "Mama!" Renjun screamed, glaring at the little sat across from him. Donghyuck had just taken two pieces of his candy when he'd specifically stated he could have one. Taeyong came quickly walking through the door, another little trailing after him.
    I feel like I should give some back story.
    See, Taeyong is a "mama" of twenty-two beautiful boys, whether they're a little or a caregiver, they call him that. Jaehyun, his husband, is the dad.
    Now a short explanation of the two boys this story is about.
    Renjun and Donghyuck met in preschool, and they're best friends. Sort of. The two, to outsiders, look like they hate each other, but anyone who knows them knows they don't. They have a love-hate relationship, they hate each other and that somehow equals love. Donghyuck loves to follow Renjun around, doing anything he can to annoy the slightly older. Renjun loves to call Donghyuck names and tell on him for anything at all. Renjun's a snitch. Donghyuck's an annoying puppy.
    Back to the story. As Taeyong put a hand on his hip, he looked expectantly at the two on the floor. "Hyuck stoleded my candy!"
    "Yes, you big fat liar!" Taeyong sighed, reminding Renjun not to call people names. "Hyuck, did you take Jun's candy?" Renjun looked at Donghyuck, who shook his head. "Donghyuck, I'll ask again. The truth. Did you take Renjun's candy?" Donghyuck frowned, slowly nodding his head. "But it was only one piece!" he tried to reason. "That doesn't make it any better, you still took it. How would you feel if Renjun here took your candy?"
    Donghyuck thought for a second. "I'd feel bad..." Taeyong smiled, Jisung watching and eating his goldfish in delight as he wasn't paying attention. "That's right, so what do we say?" Donghyuck turned to Renjun, frowning at the triumphant look on the other's face. "I'm sorry, Renjun." Taeyong sighed at the slight sass the apology held, thanking Donghyuck and leaving the room. He was going to have Donghyuck give back the candy, but the little had already eaten it.
    "When you gonna stop ignoring me?" Donghyuck asked a silent Renjun. "When you give my candy back. Oh, wait! It's disappearing in your tummy!" Renjun said, going back to dressing up his stuffed bunny. Donghyuck frowned, not knowing he'd be held to this for forever after.

    "Mama! Jae!" a big Donghyuck yelled as he walked quickly down the hallway. "What is it, child?" Taeyong responded. Jaehyun looked from the TV to Donghyuck, pausing the show they were watching. "I need help!" Donghyuck said, throwing himself onto the couch dramatically. "Hey, I lived in America for four years man!" Jaehyun said, throwing his hands up. "Nooo!" a tired Jisung groaned. Chenle, who was sitting across from him, laughed. "You say that every time I bring up needing help! You just don't wanna help me." Donghyuck said, completely feeling for Jisung.
    It's past their nap time, after all.
    It was as if his motherly instinct kicked in. Taeyong pulled out his phone, checking the time. "Naptime, Sungie!" he called. Jisung immediately sat up with wide eyes. "I not tired!" he said, trying to stifle a yawn. "Sungie, we're gonna talk about love," Donghyuck said, mentally high fiving himself when Jisung made a face of disgust. "I go naptime!" Jisung proclaimed and ran off to the littles' room, Chenle right on his tail.
    "Love, eh?" Jaehyun questioned the boy laying upside down on the couch. "Yes, dad. Love." Jaehyun looked surprised for a moment. "Really?" Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "Yes, really! I'm having love troubles!" he whined, sitting up and turning towards Jaehyun. Taeyong walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch and sighing softly. "Why can't you guys just take naps? Why struggle?"
    "You're asking the wrong Donghyuck," Donghyuck replied. "Anyway! I need love help!" Taeyong looked to Jaehyun, who in return said, "Yes, really." Taeyong slowly turned back to the little, who wore a helpless expression on his face. "I'm in love! And I don't know what to do to confess!" he said, falling back onto the couch again.
    Taeyong and Jaehyun laughed lightly at Donghyuck's antics, the boy pouting at the noise. "Sorry, we just never thought you'd realize it," Taeyong said. "Yeah. You two are oblivious!" Jaehyun chimed, earning himself an elbow in the ribs. "Wait, are we even thinking about the same person?" Donghyuck questioned, ignoring what Jaehyun said, genuinely confused. The two caregivers shared a look before saying, "Renjun" in unison.
    Donghyuck paled. "Is it that noticeable?" he asked quietly, scared of the answer. "To us? Yes. But that's just because we know you," Jaehyun clarified. "Renjun hasn't noticed if that's what you're asking," Taeyong said. Donghyuck let out a sigh of relief. "Help me!" he said loudly.
    Donghyuck put a hand over his mouth, remembering how easily Jisung wakes up. The three waited for a minute or two, making sure the little stayed in the room with Chenle. "Sorry, but I've already said it twice now! Help!" Donghyuck whisper-yelled. "Alright, well-"
    "I have an idea! Thanks, guys, for talking with me!" Donghyuck left, running back down the hall to get his stuff. Taeyong and Jaehyun sat frozen. The two were shocked, to say the least, not knowing exactly what had just happened. "Love you, bye! Thanks again!" Donghyuck said as he rushed past and out the front door.

    As Renjun drove to Donghyuck's apartment, many thoughts ran through his head. What happened? Why does Hyuck need to see me as soon as possible? Is he okay? Of course, he only thought of the negatives, who thinks of the positives right away?
    Pulling into a parking spot, Renjun got out of his car and quickly walked to Donghyuck's number. "This better not be something stupid," the boy spoke under his breath, knocking on the door and waiting. "Just a minute!" came the muffled voice of Donghyuck through the door. "Come in!" Donghyuck said, opening the front door.
    "What's so urgent that I had to get here? And I swear if it's something stupid I will literally rip off your-" "It's not stupid, promise!" Donghyuck said, already knowing very well what Renjun was about to say.
    With clammy hands and thoughts running a mile a minute, Donghyuck started his plan. "So... How was your day?" Renjun sat on the couch, looking Donghyuck up and down in suspicion. "What did you do?" "I didn't-" "Did you take another piece of my candy?" "No." "Rip a stuffie?" "No!" "So what? Why are you being so weird?" Renjun asked, raising an eyebrow and waiting for a reply.
    Donghyuck froze up, forgetting his plan for a moment. "Um... I- Oh! Hang on," he stuttered out. Holding up a finger, he went running down the hall. When he returned, he had his hands hidden behind his back. Now Renjun was super suspicious.
    "What're you-" "Just listen." Renjun opened his mouth to say something more, but the serious look on Donghyuck's face shut him up. "So... this is really hard to say because we aren't the sappy type. We call each other names and say we hate each other. See, this idiot caught my eye, turning my world upside down in stupid ways. And he made me fall for him. Somewhere along the many years of us knowing each other, I might've caught some feelings. I felt like you should be one of the first to know."
    Renjun felt horrible. Of course, his stupid self assumed Donghyuck was talking about someone else. "Well, that's great and all, but I'm not the emotional type. Probably the wrong person to be talking about this with," Renjun told Donghyuck, feeling as if he might cry. Donghyuck grew concerned, he thought he was being obvious!
    "Renjun-" "If that's all, I'll get going. See ya loser!" Renjun interrupted, standing up and trying to walk away. He wanted to leave before his control over his tears faltered. "Wait! Please, you aren't getting it!" Donhyuck said loudly. Renjun spun around in anger. "Oh! I'm not getting it?! No, you're the one who's not getting it! I've been dropping hints for years! Years, Donghyuck! And you have the guts to tell me about your stupid crush?! Well, I hope you're happy with him! Because I love you! And I don't know why because you're just a stupid, dumb, annoying, stupid little-"
    The older stopped, finally noticing the tears running down his cheeks. Donghyuck brought his hands from behind his back, revealing a stuffie and a bouquet of candy. "I'm sorry this didn't go as planned. I made you cry! The thing you aren't getting is that the boy I'm in love with... is you." Renjun's eyes widened. He walked over to Donghyuck and hit his shoulder. "What-" Renjun hit him again. "Jun." Again. Dropping the bouquet and stuffie, Donghyuck took hold of Renjun's hands as he tried to hit him again. "Because you're stupid! And an idiot! I hate you!"
    Donghyuck pulled the other into his arms, Renjun mumbling "I hate you"s over, and over. "I know, I hate you too," Donghyuck said, earning a slight giggle from the older. Renjun wrapped his arms around Donghyuck, giving into the hug.
    "I love you, Junnie."
'I hate you too."

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