💖Lonely💖 || Jungjae

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This was a request from my "Kpop Little Space Oneshots" book!

    Jungwoo sat on the floor of his living room, coloring and humming random made-up tunes. Even with his childlike tone, the humming was pretty to anyone who listened. "I bored now!" he said to himself, standing up and running to his bedroom. There wasn't anyone to stop him from doing so. Jungwoo would go to the park, but quarantine is a thing.
    Jumping on his bed, the tall boy grabbed his phone. "Hmmm..." Jungwoo was going through his contacts, trying to find a certain someone. The little made a small noise when he found it, pressing the contact then the phone icon. It rang about twice before it cut off with;
    "Hello, this is Jaehyun! Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now. I'm either busy or with Jungwoo! Leave a message at the beep!"
    Jungwoo was silent for a second, not really knowing what that meant. Tapping the red icon, the little somehow made his way to the messaging app. Lucky for him, his most recent conversation was with Jaehyun. He typed out a short message that read, Hi Jaehyun!!! I bored!!
    Jungwoo has autocorrect on his keyboard for a reason.
    Waiting is not one of Jungwoo's strong points, the little rolling around on his bed in boredom. A soft chime came from his phone, alerting the boy that he had a text. Scrambling to the other side of the bed, he picked up his phone and turned it on. He was highly disappointed to read what Jaehyun replied with.

I'm working sweetness...
Is there not anything you can do?

    Jungwoo pouted, slowly getting frustrated with himself. Through his newly formed tears, he typed a reply he thought Jaehyun would like.

I can color... bye bye

    Setting his phone down, Jungwoo turned over in his bed. Hot tears ran down his rosy cheeks. He ignored the multitude of chimes from his phone, knowing it was probably Jaehyun. Small, sad sobs left his lips as the little curled in on himself.
    Grabbing the closest soft thing, Jungwoo opened his eyes and let out a tiny whimper. It was a stuffed giraffe that Jaehyun had bought him. "It's tall and cute, just like you!" he'd said. Remembering this made Jungwoo miss Jaehyun even more, his tears immediately running again. The little soon tired himself out, falling asleep while hugging his stuffie tightly.

    Jaehyun walked quickly, the bag over his shoulder swinging in time with his steps. "Thirty minutes... Couldn't wrap it up sooner, Jae?" he whispered harshly to himself. The caregiver had called it a day after getting no response from his little, convincing his boss to let him off early.
    Pulling his keys out, Jaehyun rushed to open the front door of his and Jungwoo's apartment. "Jungwoo? Sweetness, I'm home!" At the call of his name, Jungwoo woke up. Hearing Jaehyun was home, the little rushed to get out of bed. "Jaehyunnie!" he yelled, running down the hall with his giraffe gripped tight in his hand.
    "Hey sweetie, I- Woah!" Jaehyun exclaimed as Jungwoo ran into him, hugging him tightly. The caregiver chuckled lightly, placing his hands over Jungwoo's. A small sniffle made the smile on his face fall. Jungwoo was a little stuffy from crying. Jaehyun unwrapped the littles arms from his torso, turning around and looking at his face.
    "Have you been crying?"
    Jungwoo shook his head slowly. Jaehyun sighed, looking at Jungwoo's slightly red and puffy eyes. He put his hands on his hips. "Sweetheart, I can see the redness in your eyes." Jungwoo avoided his eyes, mumbling something. "Speak up sweets, I can't hear you when you mumble." Jungwoo looked anywhere but at Jaehyun while he said, "I cried 'cause you was at work"
    "Why is that so hard to say, sweetness?" Jungwoo whined, finally looking at his caregiver. "'Cause... 'barrassing..." Jaehyun cooed, ruffling his little's hair before grabbing his hand and leading him to the couch. "Well, we don't have to think about that now! I'm here and want cuddles," he said, sitting down and patting the cushion next to him.
    Jungwoo, who was feeling a bit clingier than usual, instead climbed into Jaehyun's lap. "I take a nap now," Jungwoo stated, closing his eyes and getting comfy. "Alright then, I'll probably fall asleep too."

    After about an hour, Jungwoo woke up to, you guessed it, a sleeping Jaehyun. The little sat for a minute, thinking of what he could do quietly and without making a mess. Choosing between going back to sleep and drawing was a hard decision. On one hand, Jaehyun's lap was very comfy and very warm. On the other, Jungwoo wanted to draw a pretty picture for his caregiver.
    Drawing it is.
    Slowly and carefully, as to not wake up Jaehyun, Jungwoo climbed off the couch. He silently went and got his colored pencils and some paper, going back into the living room and sitting at the coffee table. "I gonna make the prettiest picture I ever drawed!" he said quietly. The little got to work.
    When Jaehyun woke up without that familiar warmth, he was concerned. Jungwoo almost always sleeps longer than him. All concern flew out the window, however, at the sight of Jungwoo hunched over a piece of paper, a purple colored pencil in his hand. "Hey, sweetie... What are you doing?" Jaehyun asked groggily. Jungwoo. looked up, smiling at his caregiver. "I almost done!"
    A couple seconds later and Jaehyun was looking at an adorable drawing. There were two people surrounded by hearts, flowers, rainbows, and clouds with tiny faces. They were holding hands, the words "To Jaehyun" "From Jungwoo" written neatly at the top. "Sweetheart, it's amazing! I love it!" Jungwoo beamed, cheeks red because of the praise. "Thank you! I love you, Hyunnie!"
    "I love you too, sweetness!"

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