Ice Cream || Foreign Swaggerz

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    When Johnny woke up from a nightmare in little space, he immediately thought to call his caregivers. Grabbing his phone, he opened it to the lock screen, not going any further as he could never remember the password. Phone button, he thought to himself, tapping the icon and pressing 1. Johnny had set Jaehyun and Mark on speed dial, as 1 and 2 respectively, for situations just like this. Not bothering to check the time, he dialed the number. It rang for a few seconds before groggy Jaehyun's voice spoke through the
phone. "Johnny? Why are you calling, it's, like, three in the morning!" he said. "Had a bad dream..." Johnny mumbled. "You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you." Jaehyun replied, already guessing what was going on. "Had a bad dream! Can't sleep..." Johnny spoke, this time louder.
    After doing as Jaehyun said and calling Mark as well, Johnny sat waiting patiently on his couch. He was wrapped in his fluffiest blanket, with his favorite stuffed snake wrapped around his neck. Hearing a knock on the door, Johnny got up and went to look. Peeking through the peephole, Johnny saw Mark and Jaehyun standing there chatting quietly. He always had to check before letting anyone in. Opening the door, he stood quietly with his blanket and stuffie still wrapped around himself. "Hey Johnny, we brought ice cream!" Mark said, holding up a plastic bag. Johnny smiled brightly.
    Putting the ice cream away, much to Johnny's dismay, the three sat on the tallests couch. "Now tell us what happened." Johnny frowned, telling his caregivers all about how in the dream, everyone had left him. Even the two sat on either side of the little. "Oh hun, you know we'd never leave you!" Jaehyun said, softly running his hands through Johnny's hair. "Yeah! And to prove your worries wrong, I think it's time you came out to our friends!"
    Johnny didn't know about that one.
    However, the two caregivers convinced their little to come out. "First, you need some sleep!" Mark said as Johnny yawned. "Okay." the little responded, laying down on top of the boy. "I meant on your bed, not on-" "Mark," Jaehyun cut it, pointing at a sleeping Johnny. Mark rolled his eyes with a small smile. "You should make something to eat for when he wakes up, I have no doubts he'll be hungry!" Mark whispered to Jaehyun. The older set to work.
    Around an hour or two later, Jaehyun had finished making breakfast. Why did it take so long? Because feeding twenty-three mouths is hard. Mark was on his phone when he felt movement on his lap. "Johnny!" Mark sing-songed, softly tapping The littles nose. Johnny slowly opened his eyes, giggling and poking Mark's nose in return. "Hi!" Johnny said softly with a smile. Mark smiled back saying, "Hi hun! Jae made us some breakfast, you hungry?" "Yes!"
    After breakfast, the others started showing up. The more people that came, the more Johnny's nerves grew. By now he was out of little space, still sticking close to Mark or Jaehyun. "Hey John-D, you ready?" Jaehyun asked, trying to lighten the littles mood. "I'll never be so... let's get this over with."
    Jaehyun was tasked with calming Johnny down while Mark rounded up all the boys. "I'm positive you'll be fine-" Jaehyun stopped talking as Mark walked into the kitchen. "They're ready, c'mon." The trio walked out into the living room where everyone was waiting, Johnny nervously fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. "Alright guys, remember! Open minds and hearts!" Mark said, nodding at Johnny to speak. "I- I changed my mind! I don't wanna do this!" the boy exclaimed, turning to Jaehyun and Mark with tears in his eyes.
    Taeyong's mama bear mode: Activated
    The mom friend got up and quickly walked over to the three. "Johnny, babe, what's going on? You can tell us!" and as soon as Taeyong laid his hand on Johnny's back, the boy started crying. Taeyong didn't say anything, he just wrapped Johnny up in a gentle hug. "'M sorry!" Johnny said between sobs. His caregivers watched on with worry, deciding to take this task upon themselves. "Jae, would you take Johnny to his room?" Mark asked, Jaehyun nodding. "Johnny, hun, come on." Jaehyun spoke softly, trying to lead him that way, but Johnny wouldn't let go of Taeyong. "Do you want Taeyong to come with?" he asked, Johnny giving a small nod in reply.
    Once they were out of the living room, Mark carefully explained the situation. Some thought it was cute, but most just wanted to meet little Johnny. "He's very happy, he smiles a lot! Oh! And he never really laughs, but he giggles all the time!" Mark said, explaining to the group how little Johnny acted. "But it's impossible to hide things from him. His height gives him access to all sorts of places!" In the room, Jaehyun had explained to Taeyong and Johnny had fallen into little space. "Well that's just adorable isn't it?" Taeyong said sweetly, running his fingers through Johnny's hair.
    Everyone in the living room froze, silence taking over as they tried to hear. They could hear the delighted giggles of Johnny loud and clear. "I wanna meet him!" "I wanna see his smile!" Remarks like this were thrown at Mark, the boy giving in and walking to the bedroom door. Stepping into the room Mark saw a happy Johnny playing with Taeyong's rings, tears long gone. "Is that my hunny bunny?" Mark asked, gasping. Johnny looked up, giggling and making grabby hands for the familiar face. "Markie!" he squealed while hugging the boy tightly. "Everyone wants to meet you!" Mark said, brushing the hair out of the little's face. "Really?" he asked, Mark nodding. Johnny smiled, after Taeyong he wasn't scared.
    You could feel the excitement from a mile away, the boys practically buzzing. "I hear footsteps!" someone whisper-yelled, the rest going quiet. "That's the worst thing to do." Jaehyun deadpanned when walking into the room. Looks of confusion were identical on the nineteen boys' faces. "Going silent will only make Johnny nervous!" he said, wearing a look of 'you idiots' on his face. As Johnny entered the room, the boys tried to play off the fact that they'd been waiting... poorly might I add. "Markie, why they actin' so weird?" Johnny whispered loudly, Mark shaking his head and saying, "Because they're weirdos, hunny." this causing Johnny to giggle softly.
    A chorus of coos was heard as the other boys saw a shy smile gracing Johnny's lips. "You're so cute!" Donghyuck said loudly. "No he's adorable!" Mark retorted, the two glaring at each other. "He can be both, right hunny bunny?" Jaehyun said, poking at Johnny's tummy. The arguing boys faces immediately softened at the little "Yeah!" of agreement Johnny gave. "We can have ice cream now? And a movie, please?" Johnny asked nicely.
    Who were his friends to say no?

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