💖Busy💖 || Nomin

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Requested by JannahTiamzon hope you like it!

    Jeno and Jaemin are a caregiver and little duo. Jeno is Jaemin's little and neither of the two would ask for anyone different. Jaemin, like every caregiver, isn't perfect though. Right now, he's overwhelmed with everything he has going on, between his college work and idol schedules, he hasn't been taking care of Jeno as well as he could be.

    Jeno's eyes snapped open, his heart beating a mile a minute. The little one had just had a nightmare, one where everyone had left him, called him names, said they hated him, and more. All he wanted, as soon as he woke up, was comfort from his caregiver. Even though he knew that Jaemin was busy, he went to find him anyway.
    Making his way to the study room, Jeno knocked lightly and, when no answer came, he went inside. "Nana?" Jaemin was hunched over a laptop at a desk, finishing an essay that was due in an hour. "Yes?" the caregiver answered shortly. "Nana..." Jeno called again, wanting Jaemin to turn around and focus on him.
    "What is it?" Jeno frowned when Jaemin stayed staring at his laptop. "Had a nightmare," he said. Jaemin let out an inaudible sigh. "Can you go find Taeyong? I'm busy Nono." Jeno stepped forward. "But Nana-" "Jeno please." the caregiver said, snapping slightly. Frown deepening, Jeno turned and left the room.
    Jeno, once he found him in the living room, went and sat down next to Taeyong. "Hey, Nono! What's up?" Jeno, still frowning, told Taeyong that he's had a nightmare. After telling the older about his nightmare and getting comforted, Jeno felt a little bit better. He couldn't forget what had happened with Jaemin, though.

    A couple of hours passed with Jeno going to Renjun or Taeyong for anything he needed, Jaemin staying in the study room for the entire day. Once the caregiver had finished his work for the week, he could finally breathe; a breath that caught in his throat when he remembered what had happened earlier. Sighing, he mentally beat himself up.
    "What is wrong with you, Na Jaemin?" he whispered harshly. Getting up, the caregiver went to find his little to apologize. "Baby?" he called, knocking on Jeno's open door. The little one didn't respond, simply continued playing with his stuffies. "Nono, I'm here to say I'm sorry," Jaemin said, walking over and crouching down next to Jeno.
    Jeno looked at his caregiver without saying a word, nothing short of hurt in his eyes. "Nono-" But Jeno was standing up and leaving the room. Jaemin sighed, angry with himself for reacting the way he did. The worst part was, he couldn't remember what Jeno had come to him for. No matter how hard he tried.

    After talking to Renjun and Taeyong about what happened and getting their help, Jaemin was now in an empty dorm, putting together a fort and getting snacks ready. He was going big with this apology, knowing a simple "sorry" wasn't gonna cut it. Just as he finished getting everything ready, he got a text that Jeno was headed inside.
    Taking a deep breath, Jaemin waited by the door. When the front door opened, Jaemin put on a small smile. "Hi Nono, I know you're not happy with me right now so I have a surprise. Will you follow me?" Jeno hesitated but nodded nonetheless. In the living room was a blanket fort with Christmas lights and snacks inside, Jeno's favorite movie pulled up on the TV.
    "I was hoping to apologize. Nono, my precious baby, I'm truly sorry for the way I reacted when you came to me today. I was overwhelmed with everything but I know it's no excuse. Will you forgive me?" Jeno looked around the living room, eyes settling on Jaemin. "Don' do it again," he said, hugging his caregiver. "I'll try my absolute best not to."
    The two, after talking about Jeno's nightmare, settled into the fort. "Nana?" Jaemin turned to look at his little. "Yes?" Jeno leaned his head on Jaemin's shoulder before speaking. "I love you lots and lots..." Jaemin smiled, laying his head on Jeno's. "I love you lots and lots too, Nono," he said. Jeno giggled, asking Jaemin to start the movie.
    The rest of the night, Jeno and Jaemin watched Disney movies and ate snacks, cuddling the entire time. They sang along to the songs playing, laughed at the funny scenes, and teared up when sad things happened. Spending time together was good for both of them, the two forgetting about all the stress and bad stuff.
    By the time it was time to go to bed, Jeno was half asleep. "C'mon Nono, bedtime." Jeno complied, getting up and following Jaemin to put on pajamas. "Which ones do you want? The shorts and sweater, or the onesie?" Shrugging, the little yawned. "Shorts and sweater it is," Jaemin said, helping Jeno into his pajamas.
    Settling into bed, Jaemin wrapped his arms around Jeno, the little cuddling into his caregiver's arms. "I do love you lots and lots, Nono," Jaemin whispered. "I know, Nana. I love you lots and lots too." The caregiver pressed a light kiss to the top of Jeno's head, the two falling into a comfortable sleep.

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