💖Accident💖 || WayV x 127

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This was a request from my "Kpop Little Space Oneshots" book!

    Yangyang woke with a start. He'd been having a rather scary nightmare where he was being chased by a monster. He woke up scared and little. When he got over the initial shock of waking from the nightmare, he noticed the uncomfortable feeling of fabric sticking to his skin. He tried to figure out what it was, and then it hit him.
    Embarrassed tears found his eyes as he shifted uncomfortably. His roommates, Xiaojun and Kun, were still sleeping. The door to their room opened slowly, one of their main caregivers, Taeyong, coming into the room. "Rise and shine!" he called just loud enough to wake everyone up. Suddenly, the lights were on and Yangyang felt extremely exposed.
    As Xiaojun and Kun woke, Taeyong took notice of Yangyang's awakeness while getting clothes ready. "Hey there, how long have you been up?" When the little one didn't answer, Taeyong stopped what he was doing. "Is something the matter?" he asked. By now, both Kun and Xiaojun were awake and little.
    Yangyang shifted again, cringing at the feeling. Looking down at his bed, he noticed the patch of dark that gave away what he was trying to hide, so did Taeyong. And Xiaojun. "Ew! Yangie had an accident!" he exclaimed. This made tears fall from Yangyang's eyes and a quiet sob leave his lips.
    "Now Xiaojun, that's not nice. How would you feel if you'd had an accident and Yangyang made fun of you?" Xiaojun, of course, felt bad that he'd said what he'd said. "I'm sorry..." His apology, however, didn't soothe Yangyang's tears. He was still extremely embarrassed. "Alright, Kun, Xiaojun, go get Johnny please."
    Taeyong turned his attention on Yangyang, who felt a bit better with just Taeyong in the room. "It's okay, Yangyang. You're okay," the caregiver said, kneeling next to Yangyang and pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry, Yongie. I'm really sorry," the little said quietly. "There's no reason for you to be sorry, sweetheart. It was an accident."
    The two heard the door open and close, Yangyang looking up to find their other main caregiver, Johnny, making his way over. Taeyong whispered something to him before he spoke. "Hey there! I bet a bath will help you feel better, huh?" Yangyang nodded slowly, moving the blanket off of himself and following Johnny to the bathroom.
    Johnny ran a bath with bubbles for Yangyang, one of his favorite things about baths was the bubbles. Once he was in it, he let his tears fall once more. “What’s wrong baby?” Johnny asked gently as he kneeled next to the tub. “I had an accident! Big boys don’t do that!” he cried.
    While he spoke, Johnny ran his hands through Yangyang’s hair to try and calm him down. “Even big boys can have accidents too." Yangyang's cries slowly came to a stop, the little having a silent battle in his head. Eventually, big Yangyang won. "I can take it from here, Johnny," he said, now out of little space. Reluctantly, Johnny left.

    It was the next day when Taeyong and Johnny noticed something was up. Yangyang hadn't gone back into little space and was very obviously avoiding doing so. Usually, he would slip as soon as he got the chance. But, ever since his accident, he's been unable to let himself do so.
    Johnny and Taeyong were on a mission to change that.
    “Yangyang, baby, can you come here a minute?” Yangyang put his phone in his pocket, making his way toward the living room. "Yes?" Entering the room, he was met with the sight of his fellow littles and a couple of 127 caregivers. Not everyone was looking at him, but he felt like it. "Did something happen?"
    "Nothing happened, we were just wondering if you wanted to join us?" Johnny asked. Yangyang shook his head, smiling what he hoped to be a believable smile and turning around to leave. "Are you sure babe?" The little didn't turn around, he was afraid they'd see the tears in his eyes. "I'm sure," he said, his voice cracking.
    Once in his bedroom, Yangyang got in bed and pulled the covers over his head. He could feel his face getting red while he tried not to cry. "Yangyang?" The little stiffened at Johnny's voice, hearing two pairs of feet coming in through the silence. "Baby, can we talk?" This time, it was Taeyong.
    Yangyang stayed silent as he felt the covers being pulled off of him. Looking up at Johnny slowly, the little broke. Slipping quickly, Yangyang broke out into tears. "Oh baby, come here," Johnny said, sitting down and pulling Yangyang into his lap. Taeyong came over and sat down next to the two, Yangyang taking notice of the things he was holding through his tears.
    In Taeyong's hands was Yangyang's favorite stuffie, blanket, and a bottle of what he guessed was Angel's Milk. Yangyang reached for the stuffed lamb, Taeyong handing it over. The caregivers gave their little time to calm down before saying anything else. 'Yangyang, baby, accidents happen, it's not something you can control." Taeyong started.
    "That's right. We're gonna be here for you because that's what we're here for. To take care of you and make you feel safe and loved." Johnny finished, rocking his little one ever so slightly. "Thank you... I love you both more than candy." Though it was said in all seriousness, the caregivers couldn't help but chuckle at their little's cuteness.
    "We love you more than candy too."

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