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That is all Lisa can feel right now.  

She's standing in front of the Pacific Ocean. 

Go child, find your parents. The sword whispered.

Blinded by the emptiness of losing her parents.  

Lisa raised the sword then down to the ocean. And on command the water started moving -- parting. Lisa heard rustling behind her but she didn't pay any attention. She just kept going. When the water created a path for her she started to walk. 

"Lisa wait!" A voice shouted. Lisa stopped in her tracks and didn't even bother to turn because she knows who it is. "Lisa please, it's Nini. Please comeback. Don't bother going in there please." Jennie pleaded. 

"Don't bother?" Lisa said with coldness laced in her voice. She finally turned around and looked at her friends. " Don't bother huh?" Lisa slowly walked towards them with the sword still in her hand. 

"Jen the sword is clutching into Lisa's hand" Jisoo said telepathically to Jennie. Jennie looked at Lisa's hand and saw a glowing blacka dn violet vein clutched to Lisa's hand. 

"you don't want me finding my parents don't you?" Lisa asked as she kept getting closer and closer to Jennie's place. Jisoo and the others step back but Jennie just stayed put. 

"N-no. It's not like t-that Lili." Jennie said slightly getting scared of Lisa's aura. 

"No. You don't want me to find my parents becasue I can bring back mine and you can't." Lisa said. Jennie stared at lisa's eyes wanting to see even a little part of the old Lisa. But there's nothing. It's like Lisa really disappeared and got replaced by this dark aura. 

"Hey! That is out of line Lisa." Jisoo bravely said standing up for her cousin. Lisa snapped her head towards Jisoo and scoffed. 

"Out of line? You are all out of line." Lisa said swinging the sword to point at all of them. They all stepped back but Jennie still doesn't move at where she's standing. Jisoo tries to pull her but Jennie just stood still facing Lisa. 

"Lisa, please." Jennie pleaded again. Lisa looked at Jennie, this time Jennie saw a glimpse of Lisa. Shouting for her. 

Lisa turned around and went back to the path. Jennie tried to follow her but Jisoo stopped her. Jennie looked at Jisoo, and Jisoo shook her head. But Jennie used her skill and tried to control Jisoo's head. Jisoo tried to fight her but obviously Jennie is stonger because of her emotions. Emotions really have a big factor on how powerful a special can be. 

"Lisa!" Jennie shouted as she ran to Lisa. The others tried to follow but the path closed leaving Jennie with Lisa who clearly isn't in the right mind. 

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