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"Lisa? Wake up dear. We're going somewhere." My adopted mother said waking me up from my deep slumber. I heard my bedroom door close indicating mom left my room. I slowly got off my bed and start to get ready.

After I took a shower I got dressed to a black shirt and jeans. I blow dried my hair and fixed my bangs to just how I like it. After finishing everything I took my small backpack and I went downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen to see my adoptive family at the dining table. I walked to my spot beside Rosie and sat down. The table are full of foods. There's toasts, eggs, bacon, pancakes and fruits.

"Where are we going?" I asked them putting food on my plate.

"We're going to the zoo Lisa!" Rosie said excitedly. It's been a long time since we all went to the zoo. "Then after that we're gonna eat buffet! Can you believe that Lisa? BUFFET!"

"Aigo Rosie... All you think about is food." Alice said shacking her head.

"What? Food is life sis. You can't live without food. It's very important!" Rosie exclaimed. We all laugh at her love for food.

"C'mon girls finish your foods so we can go now." Dad said.

After finishing our breakfast we get in the cars and we drove off to the zoo.

"Thank goodness there's no much people around." Mom said looking at the zoo with few people lining up to counter to buy tickets to get in. "Girls wait here while we buy the tickets ok?" Mom and Dad then went to buy tickets for us leaving me, Rosie and Alice by the front of the entrance.

"So Lali, what's your plan this start of high school?" Alice asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. "Just go with it I guess."

"Lali it's high school. No extracurriculars?" Alice asked again.

"Soccer? Maybe?" I said. I'm really not sure if I should join the soccer team.

"That's what I'm talking about Lali." Alice smiled. "You should trying more new things. You know join clubs and all."

"Girls let's go!" Mom called us making us turned their way and a Rosie squealing, jump walking to the entrance. Alice and I just smiled at Rosie's antics.

We entered the zoo and start roaming around. This might sound weird but every time I'm in a zoo or if there's any animals around me (even human) I feel different. I think (or maybe it's my imaginations) I can feel their emotions. It's weird and hard to explain.

"Lis! Look how cute they are." Rosie gushed over the fishes. I just chuckled at how she's so fond of fishes. Lisa then walked over to Rosie to see the fishes. "Joohwang would be happy here Lis." I just smiled. Joohwang was Rosie's fish. She got it when we were 10 and the poor fish died a year ago. Rosie was very upset that day.

I hovered my hand on the pond to try and play with the fishes but something weird happened. The water touched me before I can ever get my hands close to it. I immediately retracted my hand and a handful of water followed I immediately ducked and thank goodness there's no one behind me. Rosie and I looked at each other shocked. But there's something more in Rosie's emotion.

"D-did you s-see that?" I managed to say.

"Lis. You're..." Rosie started but then ran to her parents leaving Lisa with mixed feelings. What if she thinks I'm weird? I can't lose my best friend...

"Mom! Dad!" Rosie shouted at her parents. Thankfully there's no people in this section of the zoo. Only us. "Lisa! She's a special!" Rosie said excitement dripping in her tone

Why is she excited? I thought to myself.

"What did you say Rosie?" Alice asked her not believing what's she's hearing. They just looked at me. What is Rosie's talking about? I'm a special? Since when? What does special mean?

"Lisa's like us. I saw it! I saw it!" Rosie said walking to me dragging me to be a bit closer to Mom and Dad. "When she's about to touch the water I saw the water touched her first. It's like Lisa is has a vacuum in her finger. And when she removed her hand on the water a bunch of it followed and splashed there." Rosie pointed to where the water splashed earlier.

I feel weird. Why did that water followed my hand? This is so strange. I feel strange.

"Lisa is that true?" Dad asked me. I just nodded. I don't know what to say. Dad looked at Mom with a knowing look. "Can you try it again Lisa?" He asked.

"I-i d-do-don't k-know" I stuttered. I looked at my hands that are shaking.

What am I?

Dad guided me back to the pond. I sat down on the floor. All of them are watching me. I hovered my shaking hands on the pond again.


"Concentrate on the water Lali." Alice encouraged. And I did. I closed her eyes focusing my mind on the pond water. I opened my eyes still focusing.

The water slowly went up. Not touching Lisa's hand the water went around her hand up to her wrist. I looked at my hand with wide eyes. What on earth is this? This is not normal. Panic and fear starts to fill me and my concentration broke making the water drop to the pond. I turned to my family and they all have a amazed smiles on their faces.

Is this a good thing? Because I'm sure as hell this is not normal.

"You're a special Lisa." Mom said to me.

"What does it mean? Am I a monster?" I said scared of what just happened. Mom went to me and hugged me.

"Lisa you aren't hun. You're a special Lisa. You have a gift Lisa. Like us." She smiled at me. Us? I looked at her confused. What does she mean by us?

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