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"So Lisa, how and when did you found out that you're special?" Yedam asked.

They are now sitting in a circle on bean bags. They're just talking about thing they did last vacation. The sitting arrangement is:

Lisa - Rosie - Jisoo - Jennie - Asahi - Bobby - Chan - Yedam - Jihoon - Junkyu - Jihyo - Chaeyoung - Mina - Alice

"A month ago we went to zoo then Rosie and I went to this little pond because Rosie misses Joohwang. Then when I hovered my hand on the pond my hand became magnet like and the water touch me before I even touch it." Lisa told them.

"I see. So how was your Vermont experience so far?" Jihoon asked.

"It's good actually. I think I will adjust to this school quickly than expected." Lisa smiled at them.

"Oh you will love Vermont." Chan said giddily.

"By the way, we heard from the school earlier that you passed out on second to last period." Chaeyoung said curiously.

"Oh it was nothing. My blood pressure just dropped." Lisa smiled.

"If you say so." Jisoo said. "So what do you guys want to do?"

"Let's play never have I ever. Just so we could know Lisa more and each other." Bobby suggested.

"Me first!" Jisoo said raising her hand. "Raise your hand if you have and don't if never. Never have I ever use my skill in a wrong time." Jihoon, Jennie, Junkyu and Asahi raised their hands.

"Never have I ever pranked my parents." Jihoon said. Lisa, Alice, Rosie, Jisoo, Chan and Chaeyoung raised their hands.

"Ohhh I see we got another prankster in here." Jisoo said plastering a smirk on her face.

"I hate that smirk." Alice said making Jisoo laugh. "Never have I ever broke some rules." Jisoo, Bobby, Jihoon, Chan and Mina raised their hands. "Mina?" Alice asked shocked that Mina raised her hand. Mina is one of the most obedient in their group. She never break rules.

"It was one time ok." Mina said. "Never have I ever had a trip outside the country." Jennie, Junkyu, Jisoo, Bobby, Yedam, Chan and Asahi raised their hands. "Wah I'm jealous." Mina said playfully.

"I'll take you out of the country." Junkyu playfully winked to Mina causing everyone to laugh at a blushing Mina. "Never have I ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend." Jihyo, Bobby, Alice and Jihoon raised their hands.

"Alice?" Rosie asked. Lisa tried to not laugh but failed causing Rosie to look at her. "You knew?" Lisa raised both her hands and just shrugged. Alice just stuck her tongue out to Rosie. They all laughed at Rosie while she pouted and crossed her arms on her seat.

The next hour they just continued to play and got to know each other more. Lisa finally heard Asahi and Jennie's voice. They're really quite while their playing but Lisa can see that sometimes Jennie would smile or laugh quietly.

"Hi." Lisa greeted the quiet girl. They are now scattered around the mansion. Bobby, Jihoon, Junkyu, Chan, Yedam, Alice and Chaeyoung are in the entertainment room playing. Rosie, Mina, Jisoo and Jihyo are in the kitchen eating. Asahi is in the library reading something (as always). And Jennie was in the balcony when Lisa approached her.

"Hi." The girl replied.

"You're not much of a talker I see." Lisa said placing her elbows on the railings or the balcony. Jennie just smiled. "You really have a good control to your emotions."

"I just have to." Jennie said putting her lips into a thin line. The two girls looked at the light sky looking at the clouds.

"You know they say you're lucky if you say a cloud that shaped like a heart." Lisa stated. Jennie just stayed quiet. "If you see that heart shaped cloud they say you already met your soulmate." Lisa continued. Jennie hummed.

Silence. It's not awkward or uncomfortable. It's surprisingly comfortable. The two just stayed there in a comfortable silence.

"Lis, Dad's here." Lisa heard Rosie's voice. She turned to her back and saw Rosie standing there. Then looked to Jennie who's also looking at Rosie.

"See you tomorrow Jennie." Lisa said smiling at the quiet girl. Jennie looked at Lisa and slightly smile.

"See you." Jennie quietly said. Lisa then walked away to Rosie who's waiting at the door.

"Are you two close now?" Rosie asked. Lisa shook her head.

"No, not yet. She's really quiet." Lisa said. "But she's a good company."

"You'll love Jennie when she talks more. She was actually like Jisoo. She's talkative and bubbly. She's the literal definition of sunshine. Bummer that something happened to her." Rosie said. They are now infront of their dad's car.

"Hi girls! Did you girls have fun?" David asked.

"Yes Dad it was so much fun!" Rosie said getting in the car. Alice went to shotgun while the two younger girls are in the backseat.

"How about you Lisa?" David asked.

"It was really fun Dad. I feel lile I'm gonna like Vermont." Lisa smiled widely.

"That's good to know." David smiled at Lisa.

800 words updated.

Because I'm feeling extra generous lmao.

Btw I posted another book for the character details. It's called Vermont High Character details. I'll update the details as the story goes by so if you got confused of the characters skills or relation check that book out!

Anyways please vote and follow me if you have the time!

Ps. I didn't proof read this one.

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