P 2 | e l e v e n

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Ps. Didn't proof read.

"When do we strike, your highness?" Gordon asked the Ancient One.

"When I get the full control of this body." The Ancient One replied. "She kept on fighting me. She's not surrendering."

"What do you want me to do your highness?" Gordon asked again.

"Give me time. I'll sure take over this body. Her strength is getting weaker by the moment." The Ancient One replied. "I want you to predict what will happen in 1 month."

Gordon nodded and closed his eyes. He focused on his skill of prediction to see the possible outcome of the future.

"Nothing your highness. I saw nothing happened." Gordon told the Ancient One.

"No improvements?" The Ancient One asked.

"None, your highness." Gordon replied.

"Argh!" The Ancient One growled.

"Don't worry your highness I'll find a way how to get little Manoban to surrender to you." Gordon bowed at the Ancient One.

"Do everything you have to do to get this pest to surrender. No get out of here before anyone sees you." The Ancient One said to Gordon. Gordon bowed to the Ancient One and disappeared.

The Ancient One scoffed out of frustration.

You know I won't let you win.

You pesky child! Accept your destiny and surrender before any of your love ones suffer.

I won't let that happen. I'll defeat you!

Defeat me? Do you feel your strength? It's getting weaker and weaker the longer I stay here.

Just you wait. My family and friends won't let that happen.

"Lisa?" A voice said.

The Ancient One turned her head and looked at the owner of the voice. It's Jennie

"Why are you here?" She asked. The Ancient One looked around and put a confusing face. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Come Rosie and Alice are looking for you." She softly said and offered her hand for 'Lisa' to hold. She hold Jennie's hand and felt an electricity. The Ancient One felt Lisa fronting. The Ancient One tensed and her head started to hurt.

"Ahhh." Jennie turned to look at 'Lisa' who's holding her head in pain.

"Hey, hey what's happening?" Jennie asked her panic seen in her eyes. 'Lisa' didn't say anything and just screamed in pain.

"J-Jen... Argghhhh... Don't t-t-trust m-me..." Lisa managed to warn her.

"What are you saying? Wait here I'll call for help." Jennie said. She was about to go ask for help but Lisa stopped her.

"I-I d-don't have enough t-time Jen. I'm still g-gathering m-my strength. W-wait for me. She's st-still dozed o-off so she won't re-remember wh-what I just said t-to you." Lisa said to Jennie looking into her eyes. Jennie is confused. She doesn't understand anything Lisa said.

"What are you saying Lisa?" Jennie asked her but before she could even answer Lisa passed out. She hold Lisa and teleported to the Hospital wing of the school.

"Help!" Jennie shouted as soon as they teleported to the Hospital wing. The nurses immediately helped her and put her on a bed.

"What happened?" The doctor asked Jennie.

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