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"Lisa? Wake up hun your advance class with Ms. CL is starting today." Grace said. Lisa then got up and got ready for her advance classes with CL. She knew that she has to take this since she arrived late in Vermont and she only discovered her skills at the age of 14.

Lisa showered and got dress with shirt and jeans and a pair of sneakers. Lisa grabbed her bag with the things she's gonna need at the advance class like extra clothes, water, notebook (incase she needed to write down something) and a pen.

After all of that Lisa went downstairs to the dining table to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Lisa."Grace greeted Lisa.

"Good morning Mom." Lisa greeted hugged Grace who's putting food on the table. "Good morning Dad." Lisa greeted and hugged David who's reading a newspaper. "Good morning Rosie." Lisa greeted and hugged Rosie from behind who's happily stuffing her mouth with pancakes. Lisa chuckled at Rosie. "Good morning Al." Lisa greeted and hugged Alice.

This is how Lisa always been. A cheery, sweet person. She always make sure to leave no one behind.

"Good luck on your advance classes Lali!" Alice said in an excited voice. Lisa just smiled and eat her breakfast. After eating breakfast David dropped Lisa off to Vermont.

"See you later Lisa. I'll pick you up after and we'll go eat some ice cream ok?" David told Lisa.

With a big smile on her face Lisa nodded and said. "I'll wait for that Dad!"

David then left and CL guided Lisa to where they will be having their classes.

"Ok Lisa before we start I'm going to ask you some questions. Is that ok?" The lady asked Lisa who's sitting down at her chair aligned with CL's table.

"Yes Ms. CL" Lisa smiled sweetly.

"First of all what do you think about the place?" CL smiled at Lisa. Lisa then looked around and showed a big smile to CL.

"It's great Miss. It speaks elegance and power in my opinion. Despite being built 200 years ago." Lisa answered.

"Hmm.. I see you've got a little background of Vermont there." CL said.

"Rosie was ranting last night about it." Lisa made a thin line on her lips.

"Yes Roseanne. That kid has a lot of energy in her age. It's like she's the reincarnation of happiness and joy itself."CL said causing a slight laugh from Lisa. "This might sound.. odd... But Lisa did you know anything about your parents?"

Lisa straighted her back as she sat still on her chair with her hands on the table. Lisa tried hard thinking what she might know about her biological parents.

"None." Lisa said with a straight face. "Except that briefcase that the orphanage gave me when I got adopted. My biological parents told them to give me the passcode when I turn 16." Lisa explained. CL just nod silently and sat on her chair fixing some papers.

"Lisa I wanna tell you something. But you have to promise me not to tell anyone." CL looked at Lisa's eyes. "Even the Parks. This is just between you and me until I proved myself right."

"Of course Miss. I'm good at keeping secrets." Lisa slightly smiled. She felt CL's emotions. It's hard to understand. Lisa can't quite tell what CL is really feeling right now.

"Your skills are extraordinary. From what you showed me yesterday it speaks something more. You can control all the elements we know someone can manipulate and even blood. That's a rare case Lisa. That makes you powerful." CL explained to Lisa. "Now Lisa I want you to promise me not to tell anyone, yet, your skills. I want you to promise me not to use the skill of elements except in our class. Can I trust you on that Lisa?"

Lisa listened to every word CL told her. She can't really understand what the older one is trying to tell her but she knows it's serious and important.

"Yes Miss. You can trust me on that." Lisa slightly smiled at CL. CL reciprocated the smile.

"Ok enough of that. Shall we start?" CL asked Lisa.

"Yes!" Lisa exclaimed. She's excited to know what's gonna be on her path in this new journey.


"Hi Lisa! " David waved at Lisa who's exiting her classroom.

"Hi Dad!" Lisa excitedly run up to David. Lisa hugged David with a big smile on her face.

"How's class?" David asked her kneeling his right keen to level with Lisa's height.

"It was great! Ms. CL is a good teacher." Lisa smiled. CL then walked behind Lisa and chuckled at what the kid said.

"Aigo Lisa. It's just because you're a great student and a fast learner." CL said putting her hands on Lisa's shoulders.

"Thank you Chae for doing this." David said standing up.

"It's nothing David. Lisa discovered her skills late and I understand why." CL smiled.

"So Ice cream?" David asked Lisa and Lisa nodded her head quickly earning a laugh from the to adults. "We'll go now." David said to CL.

"Have a safe drive you two." CL waved at them. David and Lisa then walked off to the car and went to the nearest ice cream parlor.

"So what did you learn in class?" David asked Lisa. David is now eating a chocolate and vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and mini chocolate bars. Lisa, on the other hand, is eating a strawberry, milk and chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and mini marshmallows. Her favorite.

"I learned about my skill. The skill of elements. I learn what each elements means and how to not let it show accidentally. Miss CL said I have to control that skill first before I can discover my other skill." Lisa explained to David.

"That's good Lisa." David smiled. "Tomorrow mom will bring you to Dara. She'll be the one who's gonna do your uniform."

"Wait.. Auntie Dara knows?" Lisa's eyes widen. "Is she special too?"

David chuckled. "Yes she knows and yes she is." David answered. "You can ask her tomorrow what's her skills of you want."



Hi! Thank you for reading this!!

Also thank you for the votes!! Please continue loving this book. I have a lot of plans for this.

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