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Giant leafy grown up rusty gates.

Is this creepy place always been here? Lisa thought to herself.

"Come come now Lisa." Grace called out for Lisa. Grace, David and Rosie brought Lisa to Vermont High to enroll. Alice can't join them because she has extracurricular activities from last school year that needs to get done.

They all went near the gate and David placed his hand on the gate. Like magic, the gates' released it's barrier to let the guests in.

"Wah" Lisa said in shock. She can't believe what's she's seeing. The gates are slowly opening. The leaves are moving.

"Cool right?" Rosie nudged Lisa who has her mouth open from amazement. "Vermont is a cool place."

"Lisa come one now. Don't be intimidated by the outside looks of this place." David said to Lisa. "Vermont is a beautiful place." He smiled.

Getting in to the dark creepy forest like path Lisa can't help but feel scared and weirded out. It's sunny outside but it's too dark to where they're walking. Once they stepped inside, the gates then closed. The leaves moving to where it's at earlier before it opened and the magic barrier standing outside returned again.

They walked and walked for 5 mins and Lisa saw light at the end of their path.

Holy son of a gun.

Lisa saw a very beautiful castle like building in font of her. Blue roof, reddish brown brick walls. Green grass, beautiful well cared plants. Adults wearing suits and dresses.

"It's a beautiful place. I know." Rosie said with happiness in her voice.

"Is this the place I'm gonna study?" Lisa managed to ask.

"Yes Lisa. Here they will help you find the rest of your skills and learn how to control them." Grace answered.

Lisa nodded and observed the place. This place shouts elegance and power. Lisa could see people practicing their skills. This is all so surreal to her. It's new and overwhelming.

The four of them walked to the main office of the school to get Lisa enrolled.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Park." The lady in her late 20s said smiling to Grace and David. "Hello there Roseanne." She smiled at Rosie.

"Hi! Ms. CL!" Rosie ran up to the lady to hug her.

"Ahh such a hugger as always I see." The lady said hugging Rosie back. She still hasn't see Lisa. "So what brings you here?"

"We're going to enroll someone." Grace said looking at Lisa, she put her hands on each of her shoulder and pulled her to her side. Lisa smiled shyly and did a small wave to the lady.

"And who might this be?" CL said beaming a smile.

"It's our adoptive daughter. Lalisa." David introduced Lisa. "Lalisa Park."

"Oh I see. What's her skills?" CL said going to her desk to start the process of enrolling Lisa to the school. She pulled a paper and gave it to Grace and she filled it with Lisa's infos.

"All we know so far is she can control water. We just learned that yesterday." David explained to CL.

"Ok Rosie can you accompany Lisa to the changing room? Let her wear these." CL pulled white clothes and gave it to Rosie. "And bring her to Room 2A. We'll be discovering her skills." CL smiled at them. Rosie then grabbed Lisa and dragged her to the changing room.

"Wah I'm so excited for you Lis!" Rosie said excitedly outside the changing room. "I can't wait to know your skills."

"Don't be too excited Rosie. It might disappoint you." Lisa said. She still hasn't let everything sink in. She doesn't know if she accepts her skills or not. If she's ok with or not.

"Aish. Lisa there's no skill that's disappointing. All skills are different and special. I might discover new skills." Rosie smiled. Lisa then opened the door and went outside wearing the white clothes CL gave her.

"Do I really have to wear this?" Lisa asked.

"Yes you do. It's part of it." Rosie smiled linking her arms to Lisa's. Rosie then guided Lisa to where she'll be discovering her skills.

"Hey Rosie?" Lisa asked. Rosie hummed and looked at Lisa. "I don't know if this is part of it or not but... Is there a skill where a person the feel everything's emotion? Even animals?" Lisa asked.

"Yea. Why did you ask?" Rosie questioned.

"Because I can. I can feel how excited and happy you are right now. And I can feel that squirrel's happiness because of that acorn they're eating. I can feel her sadness about something. I can feel his scared of something." Lisa explained to Rosie pointing to the squirrel and different people. "It's been this way every since I remembered."

"Wah... You have the skill of emotions. That's a pretty good skill." Rosie smiled at Lisa. But then had a curious look. "Is that how you can tell if I'm sad or mad?" Rosie gave Lisa a questioning look. Lisa just sheepishly nod and smiled awkwardly.

"I see..." Rosie replied lingering a knowing look on Lisa but then giggled of how Lisa is awkwardly fidgeting on her place. "It's nice anyway. You always cheered me up and calmed me down. I'm thankful." Rosie smiled linking her arms with Lisa's again and went to Room 2A.

"Mom Lisa already discovered her second." Rosie said to her mother once they arrived. "She have the skill of emotions. That's why she's good at telling if I'm sad or not." Rosie smiled and looked at Lisa who's standing shyly at the door.

"I see. Makes sense now." David said thinking to himself.

CL then entered the room with smile plastered on her face holding a clipboard and pen in her hands.

"Ok shall we start?"

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