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Almost 2 months... It's been almost 2 months since they failed. Almost 2 months since they lost Lisa. Almost 2 months since the Ancient One returned through Lisa.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Rosie! Happy Birthday to you!!" The family of Park along with their friends sang in unison.

"Make a wish!" Alice told Rosie so she closed her eyes.

I wish for Lisa to come back. As soon as Rosie said that in her mind she opened her eyes and blow the candle. When she look up the first person she saw was Jisoo with a sad smile on her face. Jisoo didn't mean to read her mind but she did.

Since the day they shared Lisa their strength and power the four of them can't control their skills properly anymore. They went back to square one. They went back to being rookies of their skills. And it frustrates them.

Since the day they found out about that they've been trying their best to regain control. They have to...

...because they want to save Lisa.

"Let's eat!" Grace said. All of them took their turn to get food. They're just in the Park's household. Settling to eat on the long dining table they began to chit chat. The adult side is full of business, work, furnitures and bunch more old stuff while the young side is full of school-related stuff.

"Have you heard that there's a new rank added?" Dahyun asked them.

Rank. Vermont High has ranks. Each ranks has its own benefits and privileges. Rank updates every January. It's like their yearly evaluation of their monthly evaluation.

There are, originally, 4 ranks.

- 4th rank, the lowest rank.
- No special treatments whatsoever.
- given 1 free lunch pass per month.
- no special privileges.
- gets 3 extra classes

- 3rd rank
- No special treatments whatsoever.
- given 5 free lunch pass per month.
- can skip 1 class and stay at the library or yard.
- gets 1 extra class

- 2nd rank
- treated like a professional.
- given 8 free lunch pass per month.
- can skip 2 class and stay at the library or yard. They can also use the school teleportation tube to go home and come to school. (Like the floo network in Harry Potter)
- gets no extra class

- 1st rank
- treated equal as warriors. (Ministry's army/police)
- given 10 free lunch passes per month
- given 10 absent passes (valid for a year)
- Can skip lines

"What is it?" Jennie asked her.

"Kyanite. That's the new rank. And I heard that's beyond Sapphire." Dahyun said which made Jihoon choke on his food. Jihyo immediately gave his cousin water and pat his pat lightly.

"Beyond Sapphire?" Jihoon asked as soon as he recovered. Dahyun nodded.

"Where did you heard this?" Jisoo asked.

"I was walking on my way to see the ranks when I overheard Ms. CL talking to someone. And I heard that." Dahyun said. She picked up a meat with her fork and put it in her mouth then speak again. "She said it's important to add the newest rank. Kyanite." As Dahyun finished everyone was thinking about what she said.

"I can't even reach Sapphire and yet they added a new rank." Jihoon muttered.

"I wonder what's the benefits and privileges of Kyanite." Yedam thought out loud.

"Probably more that Sapphire." Chan said.

"What could there be more of being treated like a warrior?" Junkyu asked. Chan just shrugged his shoulder.


Rosie looked around. She heard a voice. A muffled voice.

"Did you guys hear that?" She asked. Her friend looked at her dumbfounded.

"Hear what?" Alice asked. When Rosie realize that it might've been her head messing with her she shrugged it off saying a small nevermind.


Alice looked at everyone confusedly. There was a faint voice calling her. But she just shrugged it off.


Jennie's turn. She looked around confusedly. Who called her?


And it's now Jisoo's turn. She knows someone's calling them. Jisoo can hear the voice calling them four. And she knows damn well who it was. Jisoo knew she had to talk with the other three alone so she did their signal. Their signal that only 5 of them, including Lisa, knows.

*Tap tap tap* *tap tap* *tap tap* *tap tap tap tap* *tap*

Jennie, Rosie and Alice looked at Jisoo who has a fork in her right hand and her left on the table making their SOS tap. Jisoo was first to excuse herself.

"Excuse me I'll just take a breather." Jisoo smiled. The other didn't push it on her, they let her leave. Next to leave was Jennie who said she's going to follow Jisoo. The next is the two sisters.

"I'll take Rosie for a few minutes." Alice said making the group face them. "I'll just give her, her gift." She smiled. The others didn't suspect any. They don't have to. They know it's best to let them.

"What's with the taps" Jennie was the first to break the silence. They are gathered in Rosie's room.

"You all heard something didn't you?" Jisoo asked them straight forwardly. The three of them looked at each other and slowly nodded. "It was Lisa."

"Eh?" They all said in unison.

"I felt her for a moment." Jisoo said. "I felt her presence." The three girls looked at her confusedly.

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked.

"The voice was unrecognizable and muffled. But I sensed Lisa. She's nearby. I don't know how near but she's near." Jisoo explained to them. "Very near."


"It changed."

"They shouldn't have done that. They changed the future."

"What do we do now?"


"You've been gone for a long time."

"The future changed and so as our future. Let's change our plan. This war's gonna long as it was supposed to be."

"What's our plan now?"

"Son Chaeyoung, Myoui Mina and Chou Tzuyu."

"Eh? They aren't ready!"

"Then we have to show ourselves sooner than we planned.

The two faced a paper. They saw the letters get rearranged and the headline also changed.

March 26, 2013
Our Hero Pranpriya Manoban Saved us from the Cruelty of the Manoban Family. The Manoban Members who Caused Bad Things Are now in Custody.

March 26, 2013
The Ancient One returns. The head of ministry is now nowhere to be found. Who will save us?


Who's excited for tomorrow???


Please give our Lisa lots of love and support tomorrow!! Don't mind the haters! Let's focus on our Lisa!! Let's give her all the love and support she deserves!!

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