16. "what the fuck!"

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I heard a loud knock on the door which shook the whole house. I shook johnny to go answer it which he did.

We both got up and groggily opened the door. we looked side to side and then down.

We saw a baby in a carriage with a note.

"dear Johnny,
Me and your mother have mistakenly made another child and can not care/care for it. We know you are doing just fine with your new family so we guess you wouldn't mind another person.

-from mom and dad
ps- her name is jasmine jancy cade"

"What the fuck!" Johnny yelled. This caused the baby to start crying.

Dallas walked out to all the commotion. "Who's baby is that man?" he said while rubbing his eyes.

"My sister! and my parents decided we're taking her in!" Johnny yelled again.

I was cradling the baby when dallas walked to johnny and read the note.

"What are we gonna do man!?" dallas said.

"let's go to the curtis darry will know I think."

We made is the curtis house at 10 its Saturday so everyone has the day off.

"darry!" I yelled while carrying jasmine.

"yeah!" he stoped in his tracks when he saw the baby.

"Who's baby did you kidnap?" He asked concerned.

Johnny threw the note at him and he read it.

"oh damn!" he yelled and sat down we all followed.

"what's happening?" steve said.

Ponyboy and angela walked down the stairs with tylor and looked at jasmine then each other.

the walked all the way down and sat on the couch with us.

"Johnnys mom and dad left his sister jasmine with us to keep." Dallas said.

"Well are you gonna keep her?" sodapop asked.

"well yeah we can't just throw her in a girls home that's not right, and it's a human guys don't say keep." I said.

"What's your plan?" steve asked.

"I have no idea." Johnny said

We all sat there quiet. "we need a crib" I said.

"why is there so many baby things happening this year" sodapop said with a smile.

we all let out a small laugh.

"you know I can get you that crib johnny" darry said.

"Really? thank you man" Johnny said smiling.

I looked at dallas who was holding jasmine.

"How are you feeling dal?" I asked because he was oddly quite.

"Does this mean i'm a uncle or no? i'm so confused" he let out a pity laugh at his own joke.

Johnny looked at me and then at the baby.

"An uncle I think i dont know ask saige" he looked at me and so did the rest of the gang.

"an uncle I think." i said also confused.

"Wait so that means you and johnny would be mom and dad to jasmine?" Sodapop asked.

"I guess" me and johnny said at the same time.

"Imma watch some mickey now" two-bit said slowly and dallas handed him jasmine and he tried to get her to watch too.

we had all been at the house all day just talking and deciding what to do about jasmine.

I was going to stay home and work sometimes at the dx while johnny would work full time.

Me and angela would watch both the kids when everyone is working. it was a easy plan.

we all sat down for dinner and ate.

after we ate we want home and settled we decided dallas would sleep on would sleep on the couch while I slept in his bed with jasmine will darry finnished the crib with the help of steve and sodapop so i would take 3-5 days.

we woke up and all got ready. It was the first day with jasmine and I woke up to her crying multiple times.

I woke up at 7:28 am to johnny saying bye with dallas as the went to work.

I looked at the table with 5 dollars with a note.

"got this for the kid last night from bucks he said congratulations I don't really don't know why but but the kid some food i'll get some more for cloths too

whatever you but after a note-dallas
ps. there's some pancakes in the microwave"

I smiled at his small note. I hot off the bed carful not to wake up jasmine.

I got ready for the day and ate. I picked her up and started to walk to the store.

darry had an old stroller from when ponyboy was a baby and gave it to me. It was old but it worked.

I walked into the store and got a lot of dirty looks but I just ignored them and went to the baby formula.

I got it and payed. I walked out and headed to the curtis.

"Saige!" I heard two-bit.

"hey!" I yelled back putting the stroller next to the door.

"Looked what i swiped for ya' i know you don't have any!" he smiled and handed me baby bottles.

"thanks two! i forgot to get some from the store" I smiled back and walked to make jasmine a bottle.

once i was done i heard angela and ponyboy walking down the stairs.

"hey saige!" they said in synce.

"hey want eggs?" i asked already making some for two-bit.

"yeah sure" ponyboy said.

I made and gave him his eggs he ate them fast.

"we'll i gotta go to work bye saige" he smiled got up and put his plate in the sink.

he kissed angela and tyler on the cheeks.

"what about me dear?" two-bit joked and got a smack in the head instead.

I head the door close.

"Do you guys wanna go to the park with the kids?!" two-bit yelled for the 10th time that day.

"yeah sure let me get tyler changed." angela said.

"i'll be right back." She smiled at me and walked up the stairs.

we made it to the park with the kids and two-bit.

I sat on a swing with jasmine on my lap two-bit and angela following.

"how is the mother life" two-bit asked with a goofy grin.

"it's oh so fun knowing I didn't have to push this baby out" I said smiling back.

"and it's oh so fun knowing I pushed this one out" angela said smiling too.

1000+ words
i ran out of ideas pls help 😭

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